Xavier Toscano – “Never Wanna Leave”

Hey right ON!
Here’s a new video from a guy we already know and love! Xavier Toscano is back with the video for his single “Never Wanna Leave” from his 2014 release Feels So Good. If you’ve been following our spiels here at sleepingbagstudios, then you certainly already know we’ve got mad love for this exciting and vibrant artist with a penchant for solid electro-pop rhythms from when we reviewed Feels So Good at the end of last year – but if you missed that for some reason, check out the review right here and then have yourself a gander at the video below!
A man of extraordinary and seemingly limitless enthusiasm…I’m a proud owner of that Feels So Good album myself…very proud in fact as our studio copy here came with an official autograph and a sweet set of official sunglasses! What can I say – I’m an absolute sucker for awesome music and rad swag! Big, massive thanks to Xavier Toscano – the guy is a champion of music and puts his heart & soul into his music.
Find out more about him at his official page: http://www.xaviertoscano.com
Support him at Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Xavier.Toscano