WinstonW – “1984”

There are some artists out there you know you can rely on for some good ol’ late-night style audio-entertainment – and WinstonW definitely fits into that category. You might remember the dude from a posting earlier mid-month, when we put up his cut “Purple Eden” and explored the chill serenity in sound WinstonW was capable of creating; a single of which is also found on the same record as this new track “1984,” found on the Ignorance Is Strength EP. Of course, that being said, by the sinister sounds swirling throughout the haunting & mysterious vibes of this new single, WinstonW has headed into the shadows here; everything about “1984” feels like it hangs heavy in the air, trapped like a ghost surrounding you, threatening a hint or two of imminent danger as you listen to the eerie music creep & crawl through the lefts & rights of your speakers.
“The lyrics are about the forbidden love between Winston Smith with Julia in ‘1984’” according to the notes I’ve got here – and again, those familiar with what WinstonW has been up to know he’s put together a whole trilogy of records that dive deep into Orwell’s work, furthering the story in an all-new way through the inspiration that sparks the music & creativity of this artist right in the here & now. If you’re familiar with the legendary best-seller and the overall grimness it comes with in presenting its (accurate) dystopian (present) future – you’ll really dig how WinstonW has got the drone of his melody & vocals of this single so well-suited to the energy & concept that drives the theme behind his material…everything fits from the emotional struggle in the lyricism to the execution on how he’s chosen to sing his thoughts & feelings in such a mechanically-inclined & cold way…really smart stuff. Check out the chilling & twisted tale of love, brand-new cut & final track from WinstonW’s Ignorance Is Strength EP, and click on “1984” below!
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