Wingspeak – “Centre Stage”

 Wingspeak – “Centre Stage”

Wingspeak – “Centre Stage” – Music Video Post

Ayyyy – what was I tellin’ ya back when I reviewed Wingspeak’s College St. EP earlier this year in August?  I was saying that “Centre Stage” would make the perfect candidate to be a single for that record, and would ya look at this here today – it’s become one!  While I’d never be the person to say that anything I could ever say personally would make the difference in that kind of choice for any artist or band out there – I do think it’s definitely the right move for Wingspeak to have made and I’m STOKED to see that “Centre Stage” now has its own video!  I really like this tune, and I’m confident you’ll all dig it like I do.

To go along with Wingspeak’s stellar Alt/Indie vibes, onscreen in the video, there’s a whole lot of fun to be had in this talent-show parody idea that takes on the big contests out there like American Idol and America’s Got Talent etc.  By scaling things back to a humble gymnasium and bringing an artist like Wingspeak back to the roots of where public performances start and public approval begins, I think she’s got a genuinely relatable video/single on her hands here that reflects what it’s really like to step into the spotlight.  While there are serious aspects to what you’ll see in terms of how judgment works, the pressure of performing, and discovering what your talents truly are – Wingspeak went a really smart direction with this video by lightening up the concept with the antics you’ll see onscreen along the way.  At the heart of it all is a really important message that confirms we don’t always know what our talents might be at first, but we often know what we want out of life – and continuing to pursue that, is crucial.

Shout-outs are deserved!  The Trenches Media did an outstanding job in directing “Centre Stage” – and I absolutely loved all three of the members on the judging panel, which includes (according to the official credits online) – Amanda (the nice judge), Julia (the Simon Cowell judge), and Martin (the balanced judge) – they all clearly had a ton of fun making this video & playing their parts, and we definitely see that onscreen.  Ultimately, that whole set-up and the way Wingspeak approaches this talent-show based idea is pretty much perfectly accurate…the nice one, the fair one, the mean one…you’re all familiar with the format because we see it play out again and again on all the primetime shows on our television sets.

This was a smart way to take on a pro-video for Wingspeak and a great way to represent how far she’s come from the earliest days of dreaming about being “Centre Stage” to actually BEING “Centre Stage” like she is with her music now as an established artist within the independent scene.  The video is every bit as much fun as she intended it to be…overall, it’s as endearing as entertaining and certainly the kind of strong visual representation in support of a great single that the viewers out there will connect with.

Find out more about Wingspeak from the official page at Facebook:

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