Vincent Krennerich – “Lebendig”

Beyond impressed.
German composer/artist Vincent Krennerich clearly has the magic tough required to make his instrumental piano songs shine brightly enough to reach us all the way over here in Canada – and I’d imagine with the crystalline beauty he’s able to pack into his songs, that his music is traveling all over the world out there online. If you check out his sites on the ol’ internet, you’ll see 2020 has been his breakout year without question – tons of activity online, videos, singles, EPs being released, including his latest called Lebendig, which features the song you’ll see & hear below in a slightly expanded version.
I say slightly expanded, because it’s still less than a minute longer than the video edit of “Lebendig” below – but if I’m being truthful, even if Vincent gave us another full hour I would have still been begging for MORE! Not even remotely kidding – it’s so rare to hear a player like this where you can hear technique purely beam from every note & tone; I got chills listening to “Lebendig” for the pure & simple reason that, not only was the sound immaculately exquisite – but that I was listening to an artist that truly has that powerful connection to music deep down that so many of us seek out & so rarely often find. I’ll put it to you this way…just like a great single/video should, “Lebendig” became the gateway for my own interest, which led me to listening to the two-song Lebendig EP where you’ll find the cut “Chaos” included as well – and you know something? For all of less-than five-minutes total, I’d be extremely hard pressed to find you a better example of music more worth listening to than this in such a short space, assuming that exists; quite simply – it was almost shocking how much of an impression Vincent Krennerich was able to make in so little time…and that speaks volumes on behalf of his talent.
This site here at sleepingbagstudios has been rocking for more than eight years – you can imagine how much music I’ve heard by now, and I’ve written everything you’ll find at our spot on the internet personally, with the exception of two reviews and the site’s code itself. So take it to heart when I tell ya that Vincent isn’t just another really, really good musician – this dude is something uniquely special. It is incredibly rare to make such a memorable impact in such a short amount of space with such a delicate sound – but that’s how gripping & captivating the level of emotion, melody, passion, and skill you’ll find in this sample of “Lebendig” truly is. Krennerich has an undeniable gift – and it’s so clear that he does, I can’t imagine a world where we all wouldn’t be able to hear that for what it is, exactly the same way. Plus – LOOK at this video he’s got to support it! Beautiful! Stunning! Thought-provoking! It is ART. And yes – I absolutely LOVE IT. You can quote me all you like…what you’ll see & hear on “Lebendig” is all the proof anyone would need to know that Vincent Krennerich was born to make music and has an incredible future ahead of him…this is a career composer we’re listening to here, and there’s not a doubt in my mind about it; “Lebendig” is as enchanting and endearing as music can possibly be at the same time.
Find more music by Vincent Krennerich at Spotify here:
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