Trill Cut – “Money Dreaming” Feat. Hi-DeF!

Trill Cut – “Money Dreaming” Feat. Hi-DeF! – Single Review
“Money Dreaming,” the new single from Trill Cut…might just drive me insane. Hold up…don’t lynch me just yet…let me explain…
The main sample in the song…the string sample…I must have listened to this song about twenty times in a row in an effort to relocate that fraction of my brain – I KNOW that I know where it comes from, but for some reason…I’m not 100% sure I can place it. It’s from a television show I think…I think the sample comes from the beginning of something like It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia maybe? Right now I feel like I’d have to scan my entire system’s hard-drives just to be sure…but whatever it is, wherever it comes from – it sets the stage smoothly for Trill Cut and Zeke to do their thang on the m-i-c.
And they do what they do very well.
That being said…subject-wise…money, cash, hos…we’re not reinventing the genre of rap today with “Money Dreaming.” Lines like ‘mind on the money’ have certainly been done time and time again within rap music…but I suppose you could look at it from the angle that the world really hasn’t changed a lot when it comes to the economics of it all for the past twenty-years…so why should the themes in rap be any different? And in defense of “Money Dreaming” – there’s better examples of sharper-lyricism coming down the road through the verse than through its hook…so don’t worry yourselves yet just.
When you do what you do well, people will listen. Trill Cut has got himself a smart beat here…again, I’m not sure if I got where it came from or not at the moment – but I bet you’ll hear that familiar, inviting atmosphere in the music too. And to make another point – it’s not like rap doesn’t come without a large dose of humour in with its seriousness as well, and “Money Dreaming” is no exception to that; some of these lyrics should make you bust out laughing while others are designed to make you think. Couple name-drops, couple direct-targets nailed through the lyrics – both of these rappers nail their parts right & tight with complex flows that weave perfectly through the string-laced melody, bass-rhythm and minimalist drumbeat.
Trill Cut takes a confident grip on the opening verse with the right energy for the lead-off. After raising the level of this cut with the first set of bars, just before two-minutes hands-off the mic to Hi-DeF!, who comes out gunning smoothly with a slick verse that slides & glides right into this track. Trill Cut…almost sensing that friendly competition happening in the studio, responds on the mic with his best verse flowing-out flawlessly for nearly two minutes in the middle of “Money Dreaming.” Clever lyricism, sharp wit and a rad-rhythm with precision – the man does good work!
And what can definitely be said in regards to “Money Dreaming” featuring Hi-Def!, is that Trill Cut’s new single really does get progressively better and more entertaining as it plays from beginning to end. Not only does each verse seem to outshine the last – it all starts off with clear talent & skill displayed from moment-one, so going anywhere up from there was already an achievement; but towards the 5th minute and flowing throughout the minute for its final two – the music becomes extremely inventive as the tempo spins out, slows down and the emcees adapt perfectly. Smartly using both the lead and the backup-shouts of support & emphasis on the words – the groove in these final minutes was exquisite yo! Definitely a vibe I can dig on…even as a regular, average, every-day honky from the suburbs, I can get my head around this new single from Trill Cut and he’s certainly put an impressive track together here on this seven-minute, chilled-out audio-adventure. “Money Dreaming” is definitely a solid-effort, no doubt.
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