Timeseven – “When You’re Home”

 Timeseven – “When You’re Home”

Timeseven – “When You’re Home” – Single Review

Jeez!  When you read the resumes of the artists that have been enlisted to play this tune, believe me, it won’t surprise you to find out it all sounds as good as it does.  Let’s see here…you’ve got drums from Daniel Sadownick, who has played for the likes of Steely Dan, Taylor Swift, and Norah Jones.  You’ve got bass from Alison Prestwood, who has played for Blake Shelton and Faith Hill.  The vocals of Brad Williams who is a major label Country artist himself…the keys/guitar of Noah Needleman who has played with Brett Young and the renowned talents of Dann Huff…the mixing and mastering of a dude that has already won TEN, count’em, TEN Grammys in his lifetime so far in Darrell Thorp (McCartney, Radiohead, Beck) – you see what I’m saying y’all?  This opening paragraph could go on and on and on if I was to sit here & list ALL of their accolades throughout the years – these are just the ones I know about!

As many incredible artists and bands will tell ya, it often takes a whole team of experts and experience to get things as right as you intended them to come out.  And as many a musician will tell ya, all the talent in the world won’t do you much good without the material to go along with it.  That’s where William Hayden comes in…the writer of the words & music you’ll hear…the arranger…the acoustic & electric guitars on “When You’re Home,” and the solid foundation that the songs of Timeseven are being built upon.  Without the inspiration he’s provided to each of these players through his sincerity and songwriting, it would all be for naught, as they say.  Not only did he write an exceptional tune with “When You’re Home” – William basically tracked down the musical equivalent of The Avengers to play it with him.  As a result, you’ll find a completely polished and professional song that hits the mark in every possible way.

Truly, this is a case of everything being in exactly the right place where it should be, musically, and also on a conceptual level too.  I love that Hayden has contrasted the traditional definition of what home is in terms of a physical location, and proven through his words that it’s about so much more than a mere roof over your head.  It’s something that you feel…it can be a person you love.  Whether your home is in perfect condition or it’s cracked and broken, if you belong there and you’re happy – that’s what home really is, ain’t it?  It’s the place where you belong, however you choose to define it, for yourself.  I’m not necessarily saying this isn’t a theme that’s been examined in a variety of ways throughout the history of music, but I am saying that you probably haven’t ever heard it executed to standards like this.  Hayden’s words on paper would already speak strongly on behalf of his sincere perspective and the emotion he’s written with – but to hear how Brad brings the truth to every syllable as he sings this song is nothing short of a genuine revelation and a testament to how finding the right voice can become the ultimate complement to a writer’s best work.  Both Hayden & Williams were clearly born communicators, and they shine as bright as bright can be in how they’ve brought the meaning of this song to the surface.

As for the rest of these studio aces…of course, they sound every bit as excellent as you’d assume that they would.  There ain’t a hair out of place on “When You’re Home” – by every conceivable definition, this is a flawless tune, full stop.  From the comforting vibe in the melody, to the vibrant imagery in the words, to the connection this song makes to the heartstrings and how it moves us, you have to admire how much of this single hits the mark bang-on.  Structurally speaking, it’s impeccable…and for a slow jam that stretches out to nearly six-minutes in length, you’ve gotta give every player involved the credit they deserve…you never feel anything less than completely captivated by how moving this moment in music truly is.  People out there are gonna get married to a song like this one day…and I can’t say I’d blame them one bit if this was the song they chose to be at the centerpiece of the soundtrack for the rest of their lives – it’s sweetly symbolic, and a stunning representation of what real love is all about.

If you’re really listening to the words closely, you’ll find that despite its gentle demeanor, a song like “When You’re Home” is actually quite the emotional rollercoaster.  It might circle back to a powerfully beautiful place, but make no mistake, it’s a journey to get to that point…but it’s in that journey that you’ll likely find the most relatable and grounded aspects of the lyricism in “When You’re Home.”  I am absolutely blown away by this song, and even with knowing everything I knew about these players going in to listening to it for the first time, everything I found in this single somehow still exceeded every hope and expectation I could have possibly had for what I’d hear.  The expression in the vocals and in the music is extraordinary…the melody and conclusion of the finale is breathtaking…the potential appeal of this song and where it could go for Timeseven is straight up staggering.  There’s a good chance you’re going to hear this single absolutely everywhere after it gets its official release this March 29th – it’s really THAT amazing, and you regular readers are well aware of the fact I’d tell ya otherwise if it wasn’t.  So mark your calendars and circle the date – one of the best songs you’ll hear this year is coming out right around the corner at the end of next month!  Timeseven has created a timeless masterpiece with “When You’re Home,” and an unforgettable moment in music that even musicians with the spectacular resumes like they have should be entirely proud of.  This is true sincerity that speaks to all of our hearts & minds, and I guarantee you’re going to feel exactly the same about this song as I do when you hear it.

Find out more about Timeseven from the official website at:  https://www.timesevenproductions.com

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