TheGAMRKage – “Ignition INSTALL x Dragon Myriad Interlude”

TheGAMRKage – “Ignition INSTALL x Dragon Myriad Interlude” – Single Review
I get it. You’re looking at these words in the title just like I am, and you’re like – huh?
Look. The reality is, TheGAMRKage is different to the nth degree, right up to & including the titles of his singles online. What you see in that regard, is quite clearly a reflection of what you hear y’all, you dig?
He’s the “Shinobi of the wind” – and who would I be to disagree based on all I’ve heard from this man so far? TheGAMRKage more than proved his capabilities on the m-i-c back in August this year when I reviewed his debut singles “Zenkai Boost x FSWA” and “Domain Expansion EX” – there’s no doubt about the man’s ability to sting a seriously impressive amount of syllables together and deliver’em all with the personality & swagger it takes to stand out. All that being said, I’d reckon this new single “Ignition INSTALL x Dragon Myriad Interlude” would be my favorite cut I’ve heard from TheGAMRKage to-date – there’s just nothing BUT style & skill on display in every beat & bar – ya can’t ask for much more than that when you’re listening, am I right? “No I’m not finished, this is the beginning, can’t hinder my spirit, I’m in it to win it” – all of this is true; TheGAMRKage is still completely on the early side of his career when it comes right down to it, but everything you’ll hear will have you bettin’ on the man to go the distance, or at the very least as far as he wants to take this music thang with the verbal skills he has.
“Losing my allies, gaining some enemies…” – welcome to the music-scene my friend. When you “reach the summit and they comin’ down” it’s only natural that a few of the people you used to call homies end up dropping off along the way…believe me when I tell ya, I’m like down to my last actual friend at this point nearly ten years into doing what I do here at SBS. Chances are there’s a better balance to be struck out there by more intelligent beings than myself personally…to me, this life has proven that chasing your dreams basically equates to the loss of a whole lotta people along the way, and it’s a genuine pick your poison situation. Achieve your dreams, leave most of your friends behind…or stick it out with what they’re doing, forget those dreams, and just pour another cup & live another day; there’s no wrong answer, but there is a whole lotta pain to be found in either direction, that I can tell ya. That being said…I think when you’re motivated by achieving the success you’re seeking out for yourself personally, no matter what you do or who you are, there’s almost no trade to be made at all…there’s no real choice for artists like TheGAMRKage – what’s he supposed to do – leave this talent on the shelf? No sir, and no thank-you – guys like this were born to grip the mic; whatever the cost might end up being, to me, he’d be much crazier to be sitting on this level of skill and doing nothing with it. Like the great Snoop Dogg himself once said, you pay “tha cost to be da boss” – as far as I can tell, that’s the ice-cold truth of the matter…I’d wager a guess that TheGAMRKage has tested out the other route in life already – so now, as you hear on tracks like “Ignition INSTALL x Dragon Myriad Interlude,” it’s full steam ahead, ready to grind out a living where he belongs in the Rap game as opposed to the ol’ 9-5 somewhere. “I am a star – I am in charge,” as he’ll tell ya himself on this single – and you can hear in the confident conviction that TheGAMRKage brings to every word he spits and the overall cleverness he’s putting into his lyricism from start to finish on a cut like this, that he knows he’s got everything it takes to succeed. I mean…for real…take a spin through “Ignition INSTALL x Dragon Myriad Interlude” for yourself, and you’ll hear this man’s got the gift of a genuine wordsmith, and more importantly perhaps, the motivation truly required to put the pen to work. You’ll hear in the complexities of the words he chooses that, there’s no doubt that TheGAMRKage COULD make things easier for himself if he WANTED to – and he clearly doesn’t, because where’s the art, and the fun, and the challenge in all that y’all? Like I’ve been tellin’ ya from the get-go – this dude’s here to do things differently; yes it’s still Rap, yes he’s still got similarities you’ll find from the vibes of the spirit in the Wu-Tang Clan, to the intricate poetic roots of the old-school – and he does all this with a wild level of relevant sound for the right here & now on this new single right here. The man’s got style, he’s got skill, he’s got IDEAS, and he knows exactly how to wield all these advantages like a lyrical swordsman, slicin’ up beats with precision & carving out a legacy he can proudly stand behind – TheGAMRKage is puttin’ in the work to achieve his goals, and it’s the mindset he’s bringin’ to the mic that’s every bit as enticing as the rhymes he spits. You know this guy’s got the true grit and determination to take his music to the limit & beyond – and this single’s full proof that he can.
Make sure to find out more about TheGAMRKage at his official pages below!
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