Takanori Nishikawa & t.komuro – “FREEDOM”

 Takanori Nishikawa & t.komuro – “FREEDOM”

Takanori Nishikawa & t.komuro – “FREEDOM” – Single Review

Takanori Nishikawa & t.komuro’s “FREEDOM” is a lot closer to the Westernized concept of what Japanese music tends to sound like, especially when you factor in the video that comes along with it, which as far as I understand, borrows scenes from the popular show Mobile Suit Gundam Seed.  I only know anything about music, so I’m not about to go pretending like I know what is good anime versus what isn’t – I honestly have no idea – but I did end up feeling like the visuals of the video made for a great pairing with the emotion and passion you’ll find in a song like “FREEDOM.”  You’ll find that same cross-cultural appeal of the dual-language approach, but you’ll also find that the majority of the English takes place towards the start.  I’ve been hearing English all my life…so for myself personally, it was actually the parts of this song sung in Japanese that were much more interesting to me.  To be fair, I think it’s right around the 1:10 mark that you really get past any purposeful attempts to lean on trends like the dual language approach, and you’ll find that “FREEDOM” shifts into a straight-up gorgeous sound that demonstrates the magic of melody in ways that no language outside of music itself ever could.  The verses of “FREEDOM” are stellar to begin with, but I’d be the first to tell ya that the chorus you’ll find in this song is made out of pure audible GOLD – I love what I hear at the core of this single’s hooks, and even though I don’t know a single word, I feel like what Takanori Nishikawa & t.komuro have created with this song speaks straight to the heart.  As this tune shifts between mystery and melody, fantasy and more – “FREEDOM” really takes you on a journey, and reveals cleverly crafted writing with its remarkably professional execution…top notch all-around if you ask me – “FREEDOM” is built on quality, and a single-worthy tune by every conceivable definition.

Find out more about Tetsuya Komuro from the official page at Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/tk19581127_official

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