SBS Podcast 164

Time to take you from one side of the musical map to the other!  Join us this episode for tracks by speakeazie, Trill Cut, The Kid Chocolate Band, Paul de Leon, Meghan & Caitlin, Trynket, and Lielack, in addition to brand-new tunes from Shawn Era, Pete Gustard, Etherdene, FVRMN, and Veronica Largiu!  It’s always the […]Read More

December Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Ohhhhhhhh but we have some laughs, don’t we? When we started the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles, it was a genuine test to see what the organic level of support for the independent music-scene really is out there…a metrics test, if you will – or at least, checking to see if there’s a heartbeat […]Read More

August Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Phew!  For a moment there, we were a little worried you were starting to catch on, or like music! This awesome social experiment continues.  For what purpose?  Nobody knows!  But we sure are learning a whole lot about how folks listen to tunes and support the independent scene organically without any typical kind of promotions […]Read More

SBS Podcast 128

We are stocked & loaded with incredible new tunes once again – it’s Proof Of Purchase! – Volume 14 on the SBS Podcast today!  Featuring cuts we purloined from the harvest on Bandcamp Friday back in May this year – it’s high time we cracked open all these treasure to share with ya.  We’ll be […]Read More

SBS Podcast 119

Back in action on a Bandcamp Friday with stellar tunes to turn UP while you’re out there buying some more for your collection – come check out a lineup stocked full of beats, bars, rhymes, and vibes loaded up into this episode of the SBS Podcast!  We’ll be spinning tracks by Spencer Jordan, Sandor Gavin […]Read More

SBS Podcast 114

Proof Of Purchase X!  Volume 10! Refer to this all-star collection however ya like, just turn…it…UP! Gathered from Jer’s favorites from the first nine Proof Of Purchase specials on the SBS Podcast, +1 bonus tune he couldn’t live without for a full TEN songs on our TENTH special in this subseries – see how that […]Read More

SBS Podcast 107

To help serve as your reminder to get out there and support the independent music-scene today online for Bandcamp Friday, we’ve got a full lineup of audio awesomeness & thirteen tracks that’ll give you a great head start on helping you know where to spend your hard earned dough – it’s Proof Of Purchase Volume […]Read More

SBS Podcast 104

Back in action early in October with full set of audio awesomeness and all kinds of info on the independent scene in-store for ya!  We’ll be featuring cuts from Sofi Maeda, Isaac M, and Halloween Hopes, and of course we’ll be spinning a whole bunch more music for you along the way, including incredible songs […]Read More

Trynket – “Downbeat”

When you’ve got your main hooks dialed in as precisely as this sensational artist Trynket does on her brand-new single “Downbeat,” feel free to call us up, we’ll be happy to listen.  Facts are that you just don’t end up discovering a Trynket each and every day when you’re mining through the music-scene out there […]Read More