Swami Lushbeard – “Enemy”

Keepin’ the energy surgin’ and the music flowin’ in fantastic directions, Rock-band Swami Lushbeard has indeed been firing on all-cylinders of their combined creativity throughout 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic-era we’re all livin’ in – and they’ve got visual proof to back up these claims & what’s become so audibly obvious with the video for their lead-single “Enemy” from their upcoming EP! When the LA-based band went on a mission to crowd-fund the latest record, they also bolstered their connection to their listeners & fans in the process – and as a result, when it came time to make the video for “Enemy” in times of isolation, they were able to successfully reach out across the internet to bring in a whole bunch of people to rock along with the Swami crew onscreen. As we discussed in the previous full review of “Enemy” back in April this year, this shiny single has plenty of flash & flair, revealing one of Swami Lushbeard‘s most accessible tunes in the band’s career today – which in itself is a massive achievement considering the song itself is based on some of the world’s most polarizing times. Bringing us all into the moment, the movement, and the fun with “Enemy” was a great move – and shout out to the band The Small Town Sinners who end up book-ending both sides of the video before & after to kick it all off & bring it home – all-in-all, you can feel that in the strangest of ways, our isolated times have brought some of us closer together to create an even tighter community shared between us, and it’s collaborative efforts like you’ll see in this vid that’ll show you that’s true. Masks on, amps up loud’n’proud – the quality of what Swami Lushbeard brings to the music-scene and the thought being put into this new record is radiantly apparent to all of us listening & watching the band throughout the year so far – and as you might have heard on the most recent episode of the SBS Podcast, they continue to carve out a legacy of their own, while revealing just how much more they’ve still got to contribute over these next years to follow. Stoked on everything I’ve seen & heard from these guys in 2020 so far…and being a fairly longtime fan now after having listened to this band since around 2013 roughly, I can vouch for Swami Lushbeard firsthand that they’re rockin’ at full-potential & fired-up with purpose too. You’ll see in the video for “Enemy” that this is the band taking the entire story even further and tying their concept together tightly with this single; it serves the much needed dual-purpose of creating awareness for the current pandemic & all…but perhaps more importantly, it reminds you to VOTE this year if you’re living in the US. The political dimensions of the lyrics, intent, and writing on “Enemy” can’t possibly be overlooked – it’s a massive part of the appeal to this single and it’s awesome to see Swami Lushbeard taking such a decisive stand on important issues at such a crucial time. Always excellent to have’em back in the mix – and great to hear them at their very best this year.
Find out more about Swami Lushbeard at the official pages below – and make sure to check out their most recent single in audio – “The Truth” is out there!
Homepage: https://swamilushbeard.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwamiLushbeard
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7KltZwHIXFTEahKV7vto4b
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swamilushbeard
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swamilushbeard
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