Swami Lushbeard – A Burning Desire

 Swami Lushbeard – A Burning Desire

Swami Lushbeard – A Burning Desire – EP Review

This music takes you on an incredible sonic journey.

I had very high hopes from the moment my chia-pet-resembling face was contacted by this band in review – Swami Lushbeard! Could it be the hand of fate steering another brilliant album towards my hairy chin? After listening – I just might have to consider that possibility…

This EP is short but precise; at only three songs long – they have to be good. Three songs have nowhere to hide when you press play and an EP has different expectations surrounding the quality than a single with a few throwaway B-sides; the purpose is usually to hype up the future and highlight the present state of the music. Whatever their purpose behind making it happened to be – they did their music proud; all three songs work perfectly. If this is what Swami Lushbeard is capable of then you’d better believe I’m looking forward to a full length album!

One of the things I like the best is that it’s the same…but it’s not! Each of the three tracks has such a tremendously different pulse and feel to them…again, this is a sonic journey. Yet, each and every track has the core elements that make Swami Lushbeard’s music their own; from the singing to the constantly inventive and challenging arrangements they’ve come to record here on this EP, A Burning Desire.

Getting into this album track by track from multiple repeat listens, the opening track “Stay Lost” brings up one constant thought in my head: Accessibility. This is a true music fusion; blending styles from all forms of classic & progressive rock to late 90’s alternative – Swami Lushbeard have somehow managed to create an EP that sounds new to the ears right from the beginning from this collage of music styles.

The demonstration of musicianship on “My Best Thinking” and the different direction in the tone and feel show that this band isn’t simply one dimensional in their sound or their scope. You can’t help but completely dig the drum rhythm that creates this kind of tribal feel that mixes incredibly well in between the melodic guitars in the verse. This combination works effectively in the following track – “The Bottom” – which drifts hazily along close to the musical lounge line before coming back with a vengeance blending some great harmonies against a swaying rhythm that becomes nearly hypnotic over time.

Though each of these recordings indicated their rich musical palettes, there’s a cohesion in these tracks that is undeniable. I feel like I would recognize this band instantly if I was to hear them again in a brand new song – and there’s something to be said for that. Their style of writing and level of execution really show that this is a band that will also be around for quite some time – so I’m looking forward to that opportunity to audibly identify them one day.

I’m sticking to it: Accessibility. Swami Lushbeard is writing complex music that would find its way into anyone’s collection; under the guise of something they think they already know and like for sound – this band will show you a fantastic update on all their influences by bringing them all together to give you something new on A Burning Desire.

Said very simply; short, sweet & worth the repeat.

Hit up the Swami Lushbeard facebook page to show you support and learn more about them at:  http://www.facebook.com/swamilushbeard and at their official page at:  http://www.swamilushbeard.com

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