Sundance Jump – “Deep Purple Sage” Featuring W. Dire Wolff

Diggin’ that each time we get a new cut from Sundance Jump that it seems to present a different dimension of the character, personality, and sound you’ll find in the music made for the album Deep Purple Sage, featuring W. Dire Wolff. We’ve posted up “Johnny’s Too Young” in the past, and more recently had a chance to check out the short & sweet brilliance of “Sew My Shadow” – and now we’ve already got this collaborative project back up on our pages to start 2020 off with a solidly dusty & enticing single with the title-track from their new record. “Deep Purple Sage” reminded me of the Alt/Country vibes of Cracker from back in the 90’s…actually, technically they’re still around now, they just played here in Ottawa in December, but you get the point…the Alt-90’s Cracker with David Lowery at the helm…those guys. They created really rad Psych/Americana blends like you’ll discover on this new Sundance Jump tune as well…and as far as my ears are concerned, that’s great company to be keeping and solid peers to have by comparison…always loved Cracker, and I really dig this new single “Deep Purple Sage” for many of the very same reasons. I wouldn’t say it’s lethargic…wouldn’t dream of calling it lazy…and I wouldn’t think desolate quite covers the sound either; it’s not a strained energy, nor a forced one…it’s more like “Deep Purple Sage” comes out like the last song played after the bar has closed…one last tune for the real die-hards before everyone passes right out where they are to go to sleep. And call me crazy if you like, but there’s something about that kind of uniqueness in the atmosphere & energy that is seriously awesome to listen to…and addicting as well. Wickedly wavy guitars, excellent hazy vocals & clever imagery in the words, and essential harmonica contributions in the mix here too – have a listen for yourself & check out the video for “Deep Purple Sage” below!
Find out more about Sundance Jump right here:
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