ReLoVe – “Fly Away (Anything Is Possible)”

ReLoVe – “Fly Away (Anything Is Possible)” – Single Review
What have I always told ya folks? If you rock whatever style of music you choose to rock, and you truly commit to it – you can end up crossing over all kinds of borders with the people out there and actually sell them on what you do…even if it’s not what they’d normally listen to. When you put your heart & soul into your craft…when you’re passionate, invested, interested, enthusiastic, and genuinely EXCITED about the music you’re creating, it makes ALL the difference in the world to the ears listening – and when you do it right, it’s equally as satisfying for the artists involved and opens new doors of possibility.
For instance, case in-point, I present to you the band ReLoVe. I’m 100% positive if you took a sample of their DNA you’d find the same genetic makeup & matter that exists in rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns. Is that the strange-but-nice way of saying they’ve got a syrupy sweet sound going on? You bet! There’s not a doubt in my mind that, in the majority of cases out there whereby a song like this new single from ReLoVe comes along, it’s usually too sweet for my own personal taste. As I like to remind people now, this grey in my beard was born ready for the Grunge era…I’m never lying when I say I still have to shake those vibes off a bit when I hear a tune like “Fly Away (Anything Is Possible),” which would be like, the antithesis of anything-Grunge…the complete opposite mindset, style, approach, sound. I’m not saying it’s not possible (clearly ‘Anything Is’ anyhow!) – I’m just saying it’s my default setting, like a machine.
I try not judge a song by its video just as much as I don’t judge a book by its cover – but I dunno…lately, I’ve sure seen a few that have provided some essential pieces of the puzzle in terms of understanding what a band is all about – and I felt the partially live-shot vid that ReLoVe has for “Fly Away (Anything Is Possible)” was completely key to ‘getting’ what this crew is all about. That’s where you see how this band comes together onstage…how the music works…and how authentically infectious these good-time vibes they create truly are. Would I go see ReLoVe after watching this video? Absolutely, 100%. Like, we’ve even got a lead-singer/stand-up drummer in this band, in addition to a whole lotta soul in the six players surrounding him; a crew of talented players, all of which who are just as into this moment as the next, completely focused on bringing their brand of positive, soul-satisfyin’ entertainment to the people. What they’ve got on their hands here with this single is genuinely authentic F-U-N, visually & audibly.
For what it’s worth, I can tell ya a lighthearted attitude & catchy tune can go a long, long way – and I can tell ya that firsthand. Growing up as a kid with a dad playing keyboards in a band like Doug And The Slugs – I learned to appreciate a combination of sounds like you’ll find in this song by ReLoVe long ago – and I’m well aware that it’s a style that still remains timeless to this day. The uplifting attitude & sunny disposition of a song like “Fly Away (Anything Is Possible)” is like audible vitamins for the soul – and no matter how Grunge I might be, or how Electro YOU are, or whatever – we should all have time for a tune that truly wants to leave us smiling like this single does. I maintain – if THEY are this into it, so too, am I. The radiant happiness & willingness to entertain shines fantastically in the music that ReLoVe is making.
Keyboards, guitar, bass, drums, saxophone, backup vocalists, tambourines, synths…to say the least, you get a full smorgasbord of sound from ReLoVe. Together they’ve created highly-inviting & inspired vibes flowing with supercharged enthusiasm from beginning to end on this sunshiny single – it’s professionally lighthearted entertainment that a whole ton of people out there are sure to love & fabulously well-played. “Fly Away (Anything Is Possible)” achieved its mission of bringing a smile to my mug – and I have next to no doubt at all that it’ll have the exact same effect on you amazing people listening out there too.
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