Rasmus Fynbo – “The Freedom To…”

 Rasmus Fynbo – “The Freedom To…”

Rasmus Fynbo – “The Freedom To…” – Music Video Release/Review

I’ve literally lost count of the many, many things I absolutely love about this video & song.

I mean, for real – what’s not to love here?  Rasmus Fynbo has created a genius single, has a killer lyric-video to support it, and ultimately, has a song that speaks more directly & honestly to us than most you’ll find ever will.  Rasmus is calling us all out with “The Freedom To…” – himself included along with the population at-large…the ‘slacktivists’ out there; and he’s certainly making no apologies for it.

Nor should he!  Rasmus is bringing awareness to an extremely important set of issues on “The Freedom To…,” from the battle against climate change & the oil tycoons at the top, to the much more common dangers of our own complacency, inaction, and desire to be in control of our own individual lives.  Essentially, he’s taking on what many of us have come to regard as ‘human nature’ – and rightly so.  Perhaps a reminder/cold slap of reality such as this is precisely what we need.

What I can tell ya for a certain fact is that effort like this should be completely rewarded with views & listens from all over the globe.  Not only is this new single insightfully timely and relevant for what’s happening in our world right in the here & now – but quite honestly, this is 100% just as awesome to listen to as it is to examine it for its messages & meanings.  The instrumentation and sound selection is immaculately enticing, colorful, and celebratory in the most ironic of ways when you consider the direction of the lyricism and the inherent mix of attitude, sarcasm, and insight being used to establish the social commentary at the heart of “The Freedom To…” – no joke, this is truly brilliant stuff.  The vocals are spot-on, the musicianship is exceptional…it kind of has that alternative/pop/psych/rock mix that made records like Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band become the culturally relevant, crossover hits they became, reaching the masses by waxing poetically on issues that affect us all and tapping into a unique set of expressive emotions that tell the real story of what it’s like to be on that ride as a human being with a conscious mind.  The point I suppose I’m making is that, no matter how impressive the hooks, vocals or music may be (and they ARE, believe me!) – it’s the songwriting as a whole that supremely stands out – this is expertly assembled.

So…yeah…I’m all about it…from song to video, soup to nuts, as they say – I’m in.  Rasmus Fynbo has an important perspective here…one that many of us will be able to identify with or share in – and through the way it’s presented so cleverly through the song itself & its accompanying lyric-video, I’m fully confident in saying this single is gonna connect strongly with the people out there checkin’ it out for sure.  What this artist has created through the powerful imagery in his words on “The Freedom To…” and the visuals you’ll see in the video are all highly compelling, spectacularly entertaining, and completely worth your time…but even more importantly, your full consideration.

Find out more about Rasmus Fynbo at the official pages below!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RasmusFynboMusic

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3gPzywCcsWpiH9alPFXPaZ

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rasmus-fynbo

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtJEYTxgpKb5UrQxkqNwllQ/

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