Psi Nide – “Frustrated” Feat. Atticus King

 Psi Nide – “Frustrated” Feat. Atticus King

If you tuned into the most recent episode of the SBS Podcast, you’re already ahead of the pack in having a listen to the latest cut from Psi Nide featuring the vocals of Atticus King, on an instrumental by ATMindset – but if you haven’t checked that out yet, no worries – still plenty of time to catch up – click right here to hear “Frustrated” on our show along with more or my thoughts on this new single & video.

A solid combination of many talents overall, the lyricism of Psi Nide really stands out strong via the voice of Atticus King and the bass-driven, expressively soulful sound he’s got on the mic.  “Frustrated” deals with the deconstruction of relationships – a theme that, just like I mentioned on our show, will be almost all-too-relatable & real for many of you out there.  Love the vibes provided by ATMindset – the whole sound of “Frustrated” and the heavy atmosphere it has instantly cues you into the fact that you’re listening to a deep cut, coming from a very real place…genuine experience y’all, and the insightful wisdom that comes along with it, like it or not.  Love is a hard thing to navigate at certain points in our lives, and “Frustrated” speaks volumes about that overall…like I was tellin’ ya on the SBS Podcast the other day, even when we’re with somebody, if it ain’t the right somebody, you can end up still feeling more alone than you would ever think is possible.  Ultimately, that’s an extremely hard thing to take – and if you’ve ever experienced it yourself, you know firsthand that it does make you “Frustrated” – and then of course, the spiral continues from there in how that frustration continues to permeate our lives.

Psi Nide’s done a stellar job on the details, heartbreaking as they are – and he’s found the right voice to bring his words, thoughts, and feelings to life through the soulful tones & emotionally focused way that Atticus sings’em – you feel the frustration, the desperation & devastation, the hollowness of isolation, and the impact all this truly has on the mind.  Effective songwriting, professionally executed, and featuring a silver-screen era video for you to visually vibe with while you’re absorbing these words in-full – check out the latest from Psi Nide featuring Atticus King and give “Frustated” a spin for yourself below!

Listen to more music by Psi Nide at Spotify here:

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