Pidgie – “Just Breathe”

Pidgie – “Just Breathe” – Single Review
I tell ya folks…time sure flies sometimes. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was introduced to the music of Pidgie on the single “I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free” – but as it turns out, that was actually back in the middle of May this year, before the summer had come to a scorching heat & still before we made our move back across Canada to the province sleepingbagstudios first started up in, BC.
Anyhow! Being memorable is obviously a great thing – it’s not like I was listening to this single called “Just Breathe” and thinking to myself, ‘now who’s this Pidgie character’ – I completely remember her. For those of you just catching up, she’s a proud inspiration/representative for the differently-abled folks around the world, and has about a million degrees that prove definitively, she’s about a million times smarter than I’ll ever be…or most of us for that matter. There’s inherent value in being memorable of course…it’s priceless in the musical realm, and generally speaking, that’s a large part of the reason that you see artists/bands tell their origin stories on all those talent shows you watch on TV all the time. It helps us understand who they are, what they’re about, and where they came from, yes – but it’s also a large part of what keeps their memory fresh in our mind for the next time we hear their music again. So in that sense, Pidgie has set herself up well for the future to follow as she continues to establish her name in this scene we share…because it ain’t just gonna be me that remembers her – I’d imagine that everyone that crosses paths with this unique personality & story she’s got, won’t ever forget who she is.
For what it’s worth – I think she’s got a better song here with “Just Breathe” than the single I’d heard previously back in May. I’m still hearing some room for evolution and improvement too, but that’s a good thing…we should all have that somewhere. “Just Breathe” is the title track on her DEBUT record after all, so it’s only natural that she’s going to continue to develop as an artist when she goes to craft that next record and improve from where it all began. I like this song though…I feel like it’s got a much better shot at being memorable for the merits of its hooks & melody, beyond the storyline of learning about who Pidgie is behind the scenes. The musicianship to be found is as well, is truly sensational – if I were her, I’d be stoked on what’s surrounding the vocals for sure – like…listen to that guitar solo will ya? Nothing short of amazing if you ask me…that’s quite the moment in time within “Just Breathe,” and it makes for a massive highlight within this song overall as far as the tone is concerned. Like, I’d go as far as to say there’s no way to listen to “Just Breathe” and not come out ranting & raving about how great the guitar in this song sounds…it’s a huge positive, and a large part of what creates the sonic definition.
Elements like that can be extraordinarily crucial…in terms of a song like “Just Breathe,” it’s not overtly complex at its core – so having these kinds of elements become noticeable highlights, whether it’s the tone of the lead-guitar, or the cleverness supplied by the layers of the backing vocals, the sincere lyricism you’ll find, or whatever it is you might notice yourself as you listen…these things are important. It’s what’s going to help Pidgie’s song stand out for the right reasons, and not just become background sound that people don’t pay attention to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that every song needs to be filled with complexities to catch our interest & keep us engaged…in fact, many times when it comes to the art of makin’ music, you want something like “Just Breathe” that doesn’t over-complicate things, and comes out with a comforting vibe as a result. There’s actually kind of a…hmmm…like, 5440-meets-R.E.M.-like sound to this cut…maybe a splash of something downhome like you’d find in Neil Young too for good measure…and then of course, the uniqueness that Pidgie brings to the vocals along the way.
I have my moments here & there with the mix…though I’d be the first to tell ya that overall, things came out sounding really solid this song from start to finish. I have spots where I felt like the backing vocals and the lead clashed a little, I have spots where I felt like the presence of the low-end in the bass was a bit too upfront in the song, I have spots where I wasn’t too sure about the addition of the keyboards or backing elements in “Just Breathe” being absolutely necessary, or being as present in this song as they perhaps should be. Beyond that though, I thought the parts were well-played, the song itself is well sung, and the hooks are subtle, but strong. The lyricism of the song itself, is probably the biggest unsung hero to be found…and to be fair, that’s usually the last thing that gets noticed in-full by the people anyhow…we catch pieces here & there, but it’s rare that anyone sits right down to listen to what’s truly being said like we did back in the days when liner-notes were still a thing. To me, this single was all about dealing with different aspects of anxiety, self-doubts, and worries we have as human beings – and a reminder to “Just Breathe” – comforting in that regard, because that’s where the battle through issues like these begins. Sage advice from one that’s been there to those that need it now, it’s a beautiful thing to see people like Pidgie overcome all odds to be able to assist others…she’s a real humanitarian & artist combined, and I feel like a whole lot of people out there listening will benefit from her words on “Just Breathe.” Inspiring stuff once again from Pidgie – our world is a much better place with people like her in it willing to share their thoughts, time, and experiences, all in an effort to bring the best out of us, to help, to heal, and to provide comforts to those that truly need it the most, so that they too can carry on.
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