Palm Trees In Moscow – “Blood In The Water”

 Palm Trees In Moscow – “Blood In The Water”

Palm Trees In Moscow – “Blood In The Water” – Music Video Post

Bloody brilliant is what it is!  You better believe if there was a way I could get more of this single into me this year, I’m all over it – “Blood In The Water” by Palm Trees In Moscow is one of my favorite cuts from 2021 without question.  And now it’s got a killer video to go along with it?  Sign me right the fuck up!

Here’s what’s real.  No one should really be surprised to find Palm Trees In Moscow thriving in the visual realm just as much as the audible one – but it is surprising just how damn good this video really IS, even still.  You’ve got your main star of the show, Chris Frantz of Palm Trees In Moscow, just chillin’ out on the beach, lifeguardin’ and reading the Necronomicon, as one does – and the editing of the scenes surrounding & including all this, is a serious trip to experience.  We’re talkin’ about rapid cuts, clever effects, bizarre visuals…like the oddest dream sequence you’ve ever had is taking place right onscreen – and it…is…GLORIOUS.  This whole project that Chris has started up with Palm Trees In Moscow can’t seem to help but generate interest – the stunning details within the music would convince you alone – but now you’ve got the added benefit of one genuinely kickass video supporting it to push it right over the edge.  The uniqueness is tangible from sight to sound…”Blood In The Water” was the Alt/Indie vibe done right to begin with, but I ain’t gonna lie to ya – this video is so freakin’ rad that this whole single now has every advantage it needs to start pulling in a whole haul of listeners & viewers out there.  I love how you get MORE song here too…I mean…arguably it’s an intro & an outro that you get surrounding “Blood In The Water” that you may or may not feel is completely connected to it, but it is MORE Palm Trees In Moscow, and I suspect you’re never going to find me complaining about that.  I’ll put it to you this way…this four minute original gets  a seven-minute expansion here in the video version – and when was the last time you stuck around through the credits as captivated as you were by the rest?  Get set to ride it out because you’ll WANT TO – the visuals keep on comin’ through this psychedelically tinged tune and what you’ll see onscreen…I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, “Blood In The Water” is one of this year’s best & most creative cuts – Chris proved it before with the song; he’s confirmed it with the video.

Learn more about Palm Trees In Moscow from the official website at:

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