Music With Michele – “Otter Space”

Music With Michele – “Otter Space” – Single Review
Okie doke…tonight we’ve got a new song from Music With Michele, which is not the second single that we reviewed first, called “Sunflowers,” and not the first single that we reviewed second, called “Fly Dandelion” – “Otter Space” is indeed the third single, in the third review I’ve written about her music…so I think we’re back on track for time to move forward in the linear way we’ve come to know and love?
Honestly, I don’t know if that’s ever really mattered to me deep down. It scratches the itch of my OCD nature perhaps, but there’s very little I believe is actually real anyhow, so why should time be any different? Besides…like I’ve always told ya…if I haven’t heard something before, then it’s still new music to me, ain’t it? So first, second, third singles…bring’em on in any order I say! Heck, do the whole George Lucas thing & start with Part IV if that makes sense to ya, or makes you happy – I’m cool with it.
As you might have learned in reading the previous reviews I’ve written about Music With Michele, we keep things a little loose in talking about her tunes. If I was the uber-serious sort, I don’t know if these songs she’s writing would necessarily reach me in the same way that they do with me now, as the perennial man-child I am certain to be for the rest of my years on earth in this particular go-around. “Otter Space,” like everything I’ve heard from Music With Michele, is meant to be fun, lighthearted, and sure, it’s probably fair to say that it’s even a little on the silly side – I mean…you did read the title before you pushed play, right? Otters are hardly ever serious from what I’ve learned watching this video!
So here’s what I think. Ultimately, I’d tell ya that something like Music With Michele fits very closely into the definition of ‘novelty’ – but that it’s pretty much right on the fringe of that. To me, being a novelty would almost imply that there’s some sort of gimmick or something along those lines at the core of whatever it may be that would suck you in without substance to back it up…and I’m not so convinced that’s completely the case with Music With Michele. There’s something here – we might not know what it is exactly, yet – but there’s more to it than just the carefree attitude and uplifting vibes you’ll discover. Maybe it’s a bit pie in the sky in audible form, but there’s a place for escapism in entertainment without a doubt. If I’m being entirely truthful with you, I actually end up coming across quite a few projects out there that start out with a less-than-serious demeanor – it can be a massive icebreaker when you’re getting going as an artist or band. The pressure is lifted…and before long, you realize the talents you’re working with, and a new phase of artistic evolution comes along…things progress to that next level. Like the mighty otter, we too tend to test the waters to see what it is we’re capable of, and I suspect that’s a bit of what’s happening with Music With Michele at the early part of this project’s existence. A song like “Otter Space” is undeniably pleasant to listen to…but admittedly, it’s straddling that space in between what someone would put on for themselves, and put on for their kids to enjoy. It’s hard to say whether or not that’s the vibe that Music With Michele is totally going for, but at least she’s got several options in that regard. I’m not suggesting that “Otter Space” is made for kids, but I’m not saying it wouldn’t be a hit with them either – and if she wanted to go that route, I’m quite certain she’d be a big hit in the youth market. And YES – that makes it a whole lot weirder that her videos keep coming up as ‘age restricted‘ by YouTube, because like…WHAT IN THE HELL AIN’T WHOLESOME ABOUT HER MUSIC, especially in this instance!?! “Otter Space” is the kind of track that can’t help but bring a smile to your mug, especially when you consider the video that supports it and all these perfectly timed Otters popping up in the visuals, having the time of their lives onscreen. What I found really impressive about “Otter Space” was how it goes further than what you’ll find floating on the surface…the substance you’re looking for runs deeper than that.
You know how like…kids cartoons tend to have a bunch of adult-isms that reveal they’re writing for an older crowd just as much as a younger one? That’s really what I personally got out of “Otter Space.” I was sincerely impressed with the way the lyricism of this tune worked – it made me laugh, it made me think, and it straight-up had me saying WOW at times as well – there’s something for everyone here. To follow along with the way Michele’s stream of consciousness-style of lyricism works is nothing short of a complete trip, but the kind you’ll love taking. She’s living in the space between where everything and nothing make sense, and all at the same time. Kind of wonderful really. You add in the fact that she continually reminds me of Kim Deal from The Breeders in the way that she sings with such a playful vibe, and yeah man…call me crazy, but there’s a lot of charm in what she creates that pulls us easily onboard. Her musical cohort, Mr. Davey Munch, clearly has every bit as much fun as she has in creating these oddly endearing creations…and in a single like “Otter Space,” it felt like you can really feel them dialing into the moment. Like I was tellin’ ya, there are different phases of evolution in the journey of making music. Phase one is to find out if it’s even possible, which they did on “Dandelion” and “Sunflowers” – but they’re in the second phase with “Otter Space” – this is where they somewhat know what to expect out of each other & what they bring to these songs, and can tailor things more accordingly, you follow? Now they’re getting somewhere…and “Otter Space” reflects that growth. It might still be on the fringe of what a lot of people will still consider to be a novelty sound in the scene as there really isn’t a whole lot like Music With Michele out there, but it has plenty of merit. Davey’s one heck of a player, and you can always hear that consistency in what he creates each time they release a new song, and Michele knows that personality can easily triumph over polished perfection – she can sing, but she has a much better understanding of how to make a memorable impact and leave an impression on listeners simply by embracing her naturally quirky self and letting the good times roll, you feel me? Quite simply put, “Otter Space” is in the Odder Space of music, but you ought’er listen, lest you end up with that FOMO.
Find out more about Music With Michele at this multi-link here:
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