Music With Michele – “Gordon Blues”

Music With Michele – “Gordon Blues” – Single Review
Pfffff. I can’t eat this!
I got all excited there for a second or two. Way back when I was a young lad, back before there were buildings, the first meal I can ever recall eating in a restaurant was cordon bleu. To this very day, the mere mention of it will get me salivating, and if I don’t get me some of that chicken, ham, cheese combo right quick after, I probably get all kinds of bitchy and throw some kind of hissy fit. I’m only guessing of course…you’d have to ask the people around me…I’d be way too busy trying to get my cordon bleu fix.
Anyhow. Music With Michele is teasing my tastebuds, but I guess I won’t hold that against her. She’s back again with her main musical cohort Davey Munch, and they are once again doin’ their thang. It’s pretty much the same thang as we’ve experienced in a lot of ways, but it’s still their thang nonetheless. Did I ever end up figuring out who Gordon was or how he became a part of this new single? Nope! That’d be the ol’ unsolved mystery I reckon…at least to me…but by the same token, if you can follow along with Michele’s thought-process you’re probably amongst the rarest of our species and deserve the heckin’ shiniest of medals. “Gordon Blues” fits very well with the zaniness you’d expect to find from this duo…their catalog is filled with Davey noodlin’ away while Michele creates her off-kilter kaleidoscopic nu-beat-poetry for ya on top, and this single definitely supplies you with more of that recipe. Music With Michele proudly qualifies as an oddity…an alternative…something different than whatever the hell else you’re listening to on your playlist. There’s room for that in this world if you ask me. I’m not gonna be the guy to declare that necessarily leads to accessibility or a whole shiteload of clicks and plays and all that…but I’ve always had respect for those out there that are fully willing to move to a different beat. Believe me when I tell ya, you probably won’t encounter two people that do that better than these two.
Realistically…objectively…what do I like here? I like Davey’s musicianship…dude’s a freakin’ virtuoso when it comes right down to it. He’s an expert at committing to the moment and doing things his way – if you looked at what he was gonna lay down in his instrumentation on paper, you’d tell him it wasn’t gonna work and that he’s a madman for even attempting stuff like this. He’ll drift in between moments of pure melodic chaos and mellow serenity in equal doses, and you’ll never know which part is about to come atcha next. That may or may not be what he’s going for, you’d have to ask him about that, but I’d have to wonder how it wouldn’t be…everything he does seems do purposeful. As for Michele, I think it’s fair to say we should all admire her artistic courage and relentlessly curious style. I’ve had the privilege of talking with her a little behind the scenes, and we listen to a whole lot of the same artists/bands, but to listen to her make music of her own will have you wondering if she’s ever listened to music at all, you know what I mean? There are no discernable comparisons you could make to Music With Michele and something else – that’s the level of uniqueness we’re talkin’ about here when it comes right down to it. Only they know for sure if it’s worth it to be this decisively different than the rest of what’s out there…I’d imagine it’s the same trade off that is usually made in situations like this…we do what we wanna do at the peril of securing a massive following overnight, because it’s way tougher to get stuff like this out there to the masses AND have them accept what they hear. Songs like “Gordon Blues” and acts like Music With Michele naturally challenge the status quo, and it’s undoubtedly going to be a tough battle for them to win in that regard. If it’s a matter of making music for the love of the game, then there’s really no way for them to lose – but those are vastly different things. I did feel like the production on “Gordon Blues” was sharper than I’ve experienced from this duo so far…that’s a positive, though it still won’t help all that much with the majority of people passing by to listen. Weirdness is weirdness…there’s really not too many other ways to slice & dice that up – it appeals to freaks like me, but I’m usually not the rule, so much as I’m the exception in that regard. I always enjoy trying to figure out what the heck Michele is on about each time I get a new tune from her. For those of you keeping score at home, she’s not just winning, she’s fully kicking my ass in that respect, with an undefeated 5-0 to this point so far. That don’t mean I’m uninterested – heck no – I’m always willing to have the quirky characters of this universe invade my playlist, because it’s people just like Michele and projects just like Music With Michele, be they as far & few between as they are, that make this life we’re living as interesting as it can be. Her stream of consciousness style of songwriting always reveals a couple of gems and nuggets of wisdom, and I’d say that holds true here on “Gordon Blues” as well, punctuated this time around by a big’ ol “FUCK YOU” (ALL CAPS) that you can’t possibly miss. It makes for one of the most fun moments in “Gordon Blues” that still delivers some seriousness on the side in the point I’m assuming she’s making about environmentalism not doing enough to protect the preciousness of life in different species on this planet of ours. Or something like that…like I said…I can only ever guess what she’s singing about, but it’s probably something fairly close to that. Within the ballpark (sort of?). Near the target (maybe?). Accurate-adjacent (kinda?).
Find out more about Music With Michele from this multilink here:
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