MrOrijinal – “Grigora X1”

MrOrijinal – “Grigora X1” – Single Review
Life in music is about to open-up for solo-artist/multi-talent Josh Payne, aka Diesel, aka MrOrijinal – this new single “Grigora X1” is the electro-jam to set the standard for the rest to follow in 2017. I’ve put a lot of listening into this track over the past couple weeks and have time & again come to the conclusion that Josh’s project making electro-music as MrOrijinal has certainly got a verifiable future. What makes “Grigora X1” an exceptional listening experience is the fact that…well…WHERE he’ll choose to carve-out that future for himself in music could lead him in numerous directions – and MrOrijinal proves he’d find success in any one of them that he’d venture into.
You want a chilled-out electro sound? Even as quickly as some of the movements in the opening of “Grigora X1” might be, they quickly roll through as the song builds & breaks into a fantastically smooth & dreamy atmosphere before forty-seconds even passes by. From there, you find yourself in the midst of gorgeous texture & sound that slowly incorporates more & more electro elements & twists into the mix for the next ninety-seconds as the song continues to evolve and grow within this second section. “Grigora X1” is a large & ever-evolving track that expands even further to include a serious beat throughout its second minute before the final enormous payoff steps in past the three-minute mark to bring this song home in all the right ways.
The spread-out atmosphere and range of sound on “Grigora X1” is massively impressive. As you’re listening to the song, think of where you started with it…and where it ends up; recognize that MrOrijinal has helped us travel miles of terrain in electro, seamlessly and flawlessly through its transitions all along. To be quite honest, I was slightly worried when the more energetic beats came into the music after the two-minute mark…but only because I thought the opening of this instrumental electro-tune was so amazingly strong! Part of me could have stayed in that moment between forty-seconds and ninety-seconds for forever…but I also understand that a good hook is always worth coming back to revisit. With its multiple parts so well defined and stunning on their own, each time “Grigora X1” ripped through the speakers, each part was so incredibly welcome back to my ears. If anything…it’s that second minute’s hypnotic-part that rides the fence of potentially being too long…but like seeing the presents under the tree on Christmas a week ahead of Dec. 25th – you know what’s coming at you soon enough and every time the payoff of energy at the end of “Grigora X1” makes every inch of the ride one worth taking.
With the slow-burning intensity racing through the track, it’s audibly incredible that so much of this comes out sounding so inviting and comforting. MrOrijinal has played this one correctly in every way, shape and form from the writing to performance to production…but more importantly, he’s really transformed this song along the way in a way that gives so many moments of individual accessibility within the confines of “Grigora X1” while still creating something that all sounds like it’s SUPPOSED to be together AND flows along with ease! Imagine that eh? It CAN be done – and MrOrijinal proves that without a doubt here on his new single, “Grigora X1,” – it’s as electrifying in its ideas as it is in its execution and overall stunning result. The mix is bright, atmospheric and perfectly layered to get the most out of each and every sound, every tone and every moment we experience – and I’ve got a lot of love for that. MrOrijinal showcases a highlight display of professional-restraint by adding in the perfect amounts of everything we want to hear without ever once putting in too much where things would get overcrowded. He’s played this one real smart…courageous as well; the mix is so good that we’d hear any potential flaws or missteps – and there’s not a single one to be had on this new cut from MrOrijinal. “Grigora X1” has the ideas and energy that, when at its best like this, makes the genre one of the most entertaining & dynamic out there to listen to – I’m 100% stoked on this tune.
So much in fact…that I’ll be playing this track for you tomorrow when the new episode of the SBS Podcast comes out along with a whole host of new tunes from all over the place…and if you’re looking for something amazing to start your stereos this year, MrOrijinal’s got you covered with “Grigora X1.” Tune in tomorrow right here at the homepage!
Find the music of MrOrijinal at the links below:
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