Mogley Miroma – “Homie Don’t Play That” / “Ghhhhhoooossstttzzzzzz”

 Mogley Miroma – “Homie Don’t Play That” / “Ghhhhhoooossstttzzzzzz”

Mogley Miroma – “Homie Don’t Play That” / “Ghhhhhoooossstttzzzzzz” – Singles Review

Here’s an invitation – suck my dick.”  #McScuseMeBruh #SuperSizeItThen

Crazy.  I ended up writing those hashtags even before Mogley Miroma went on to burn McDonalds later on in his single “Homie Don’t Play That” – because that’s the kind of prescient music-reviewer I am y’all.  Anyhow.  Let’s see here…let’s see…what do I wanna tell ya about this dude and these singles here…well – I mean, for starters, Mogley goes fucking HARD.  You can tell this dude’s coming out of the school of Battle Rap when it comes right down to it – M&M here has got a serious chip on his shoulder and he is clearly willing to share that with ya.  Comin’ atcha straight from the dark heart of Asbury Park in New Jersey…I mean…maybe I’m just straight-up too Canadian to be hatin’ like this dude is, or maybe Mogley is just on a whole other level when it comes to his intensity and aggression – but yeah…listening to “Homie Don’t Play That” is SOMETHING ELSE TO EXPERIENCE…and believe me when I tell ya, you probably won’t ever forget it.  I’ve got love for this though – it’s heavily unique and designed to make a serious impact, which I fully respect.  I’m definitely not about to drop to my knees and start bobbin’ on his knob, but I do appreciate the invite all the same – like I was tellin’ ya, I’m Canadian, we’re naturally polite.  So…look…at the end of the day, there’s really not a whole lot I can tell an artist like Miroma.  First of all, he’s heard it all before.  Secondly, he clearly ain’t in the business of takin’ anyone’s advice, let alone some sarcastic asshole Canadian like me.  Third – he knows he’s rockin’ with a supremely niche sound that’s going to appeal to a fraction of the people out there in this world, and he’s already decided he’s cool with that.  I would be too – the dude is ballin’ out on “Homie Don’t Play That” no holds barred, sparing no quarter for anyone listening and taking no prisoner when it comes to putting just about everyone between the sights as he targets everyone that ain’t a fan.  Confidence reigns supreme y’all – and I can get behind that – Mogley says everything he’s gotta say with his chest, exactly in the way that he wants to say it.  Has the world jaded the man beyond repair?  Probably!  He could still win the crown at the Hater’s Ball next year though, so you might wanna start bowing down to royalty now while you’re ahead of the game.  Whoa, whoa, whoa…I said bow down, not drop down to your knees…this dude’s already got his dick out…so unless you feel like takin’ a mouthful, you wanna be careful.  All kidding aside – he knows he’s not making Rap that’s necessarily easy to listen to, he’s obviously more than fine to turn off anyone & everyone that can’t hang with what he creates, he swings BIG LYRICAL NUTS in your face proudly, and while there are multiple obstacles purposely wedged between a track like “Homie Don’t Play That” & the average everyday listeners out there, those that ‘get it’ are probably gonna ride with Mogley Miroma forever.

Not feeling very good these days,” he says as “Ghhhhhoooossstttzzzzzz” begins…and from the sounds of things, you might just wanna cross the street if you see Miroma coming your way.  Dude’s got a grip on how to get the anger out, that’s for sure…Mogley clearly ain’t the kind of guy to hold anything back, and we know that’s true because he would have exploded by now if he’d tried to.  I hear where he’s coming from on “Ghhhhhoooossstttzzzzzz” – he’s rappin’ against modern-day slavery and the idea that we’re all supposed to work until we die in the valley of malls we’ve created…and feeling like there’s “no hope left.”  I mean…shit…I’m at that point every second Wednesday myself, so believe me, I hear what he’s saying, and the venom he’s spittin’ in the vicious way he raps should definitely clue people into the fact that he ain’t fuckin’ around with how serious he is about being pushed past the point of no return.  I am definitely on the side of Mogley as an artist and the uniqueness he brings to the game.  I recognize it’s gonna be a tough sell to the majority of folks out there in this world, but like I was tellin’ ya at the start, I really don’t think he gives all that much of a fuck about that.  “Ghhhhhoooossstttzzzzzz” might be nearly painful to listen to in terms of how intense and aggressive it is, but it’s socially insightful too – he’s spittin’ valid commentary on shit that too many people get caught sleepin’ on.  So wake the fuck up!  And if you know someone out there that can’t be stirred outta their slumber, then crank up Mogley’s music and place their heads (gently!) beside the speakers so they get the FULL FUCKING BLAST right in their face.  Miroma sounds like he could singlehandedly stomp out the system that oppresses us all…and I’m more than content to let the man have at it.  I’ll be here, watching the world burn from the comfort of my studio in little ol’ Canada, knowing that everything we ever try to do as human beings is infinitely pointless anyway.  He’s armed with a sound that’s larger than life though…and he’s an emcee that is absolutely unafraid to say whatever’s on his mind…he’s committed beyond words, confident in his rage, and clearly ready to scorch the earth on his way to the top.  At the end of the day, you gotta respect all that.  Dude’s definitely got ferocious bars and something to say – you can consider me a fan.

His new EP called Decay comes out on April 21st this year – find out more about Mogley Miroma from his official homepage at:  and pre-save his new record here:

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