Mississippi Moonlight – “Stickin’ Around”

Mississippi Moonlight – “Stickin’ Around” – Single Review
Look at that guy in this picture will ya?
You know the dude I’m talking about here…the one with that luscious shrub attached to his chin – bassist Zac Blackwell. It’s like he’s taunting me at this point. My head will never be that rad.
I mean LOOK at that face will ya? It’s like that slight smile has the ability to make all us bearded folk know we need to want more for ourselves, while simultaneously confirming that yes, this is the most awesome face-moss in the history of modern mankind. He knows it. You can SEE in his eyes Zac knows it. I so rarely have beard envy…but here we are…and it’s raging; this is a real take my beard & go home situation…I have but a tiny patch of hair in comparison to the incredible natural necktie Zac is sportin.’
It’s humbling. Back to the music, where I belong…
Now hear me out…because I’ll make a real case for the hybrid nature of this new single from Mississippi Moonlight. “Stickin’ Around” is undeniably and unapologetically presented in that modern Country style – ultimately, no one is going to dispute which genre you’d find their music in the ol’ record store. The down-home country-ness is a large part of the charm and appeal in this five-piece band; it’s the heart that pumps the passion into the blood of the band, the production, and the structure of the twang in the music. That being said…listen to “Stickin’ Around” and ask yourselves this, in terms of the original comment on crossover sound – what if we were still in the 90’s and you gave this song to Everclear? What if Better Than Ezra got a hold of the sweetness of the flow in this melody – what would they do with it? They’d both go on to crush it, is what they’d both do in their prime…no different than how Mississippi Moonlight is now and how they’re sweet Alt/Country/Pop perfection on their single “Stickin’ Around.” You don’t have to actually have a copy of a cover to hear how the potential of a song would suit another artist or band, and it’s one of the easiest ways you can confirm incredible songwriting; if you can imagine how another band would tackle the main hooks and envision how well it would suit them, especially in genres outside of own – that tells ya you’ve really got something universal. Songs like “Stickin’ Around” live on the fringe of the multiple borders and intersections where different types of music meet to find great success in how the appeal overlaps like a Venn diagram. Take it directly from me, I’ve never professed to be an expert on anything in the Country genre – I can confirm there are more access points to get into a tune like “Stickin’ Around” than you’ll find in most any. The vocals from Sam Newman are as excellent as ever, sounding outright inspired in the energy of the chorus; the music is spot-on in lock-step with him, the personality in the guitars from Dillon Douglas and Zach Dickerson leading the way with genuinely charismatic parts. The drums from Nick Manton are crisp and seriously involved with how this track moves so confidently, ever-reliable for the rest of the band to respond to as they add their own talent to the mix. As for Zac Blackwell…well…he beards – what else does he need to even do other than just beard better than all the rest of us combined can beard? Alright, alright…dude plays a solid & smooth bass-line too & rumbles himself right into place, rock-solid in the rhythm section.
It’s a combination of impeccable songwriting and stunning execution…there are tons of places to find the magic in Mississippi Moonlight, but if you were to ask me, those two elements stand out the most. You can hear the professionalism in the band on “Stickin’ Around,” even while the melody provides you with a bold and bright attitude that keeps an exceptionally fun vibe flowing through the song that feels impressively loose & laid-back. It’s the kind of welcoming and universally appealing sound that has you listening without hesitation – no matter what corner of the musical realm you come from or what style of music you normally listen to, you’ll find something to love about Mississippi Moonlight for sure. The verses are fantastic to begin with, but the energy in the chorus could power an entire city – great job.
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