Meghan & Caitlin – “Midnight”

 Meghan & Caitlin – “Midnight”

Meghan & Caitlin – “Midnight” – Single Review

It could be the result of a really killer 24 hours-or-so spent with some truly excellent tunes, but I feel like if I was to flip back through the pages on our site over this past month or two, I’d be willing to bet that it would reveal that facts are facts, things are heating up towards the summer of 2019 here.  Like personally, right now, I’m beyond stoked…in this past day alone, I’ve witnessed a beautiful evolution in a solo project called Atratune out there and an absolutely stellar live moment from a band called The Stroppers just at the end of last night…and here I am, feeling like I’ve got two other names here in front of me tonight that you absolutely HAVE to know about – because Meghan & Caitlin have it goin’ ON!

Honestly, this is freakin’ gorgeous.  I mean…it’s freakin’ TRAGIC at times as well…but like…just WOW.  Wow, Meghan & Caitlin, that’s what I’m saying here.  The songwriting, the sound, the melody, the vocals, the theme, the lyrics, the harmonies…somebody tell me what else on earth could the people possibly want from these two fine artists when it comes to the performance they put into “Midnight?”

They might have a slight advantage over the rest when it comes to the core of their band…Meghan & Caitlin are sisters after all…so it’s probably only natural that things sound as unified & lockstep as they do on their new single.  I don’t know if they discuss, arm-wrestle, fight, or diplomatically resolve who gets to play the starring role in any given song they write, or who gets to rock the mic from the lead or the background, or if they take turns…all I ever know anything about is what sounds like it’s truly meant to be – and there’s not a single thing out of place here or anything I’d even remotely want to change.

Right from the drop actually…it was the sound of a sent message that sent be back to the music-player on my computer to rewind the first ten seconds of “Midnight” and see if I had heard that correctly.  Turns out I wasn’t missing a message on my phone, it was in the song…part of the small details within this single that stack up to a really focused, clever, and ultimately refreshingly honest love-song of sorts.

Perhaps these notes I have explain it best.  I was sent this description with the new single, it read:  ““Midnight” is inspired by modern dating culture in the age of Tinder, where it seems like everyone wants casual flings instead of committed relationships. It explores the struggle between wanting something real, yet being unable to resist someone who you know only wants you for your body.”  And like I mentioned, this theme starts revealing itself immediately, right from the tapping of a text message at the beginning, right to the voicemail at the very end…there are quite a few really smart ways that Meghan & Caitlin have threaded this concept into the music, lyrics, and atmosphere of their new single.

So where exactly did they win me over, you ask?  I think the melody they’ve both written and performed is pretty much to die for, let’s just be clear about that upfront.  Like they had me by the verse if not before, but long, long before the chorus even had a chance to present its own hooks & work its magic on me – every ticking second of this song contained true value for the ears, the heart, and the mind.  When it comes right down to it, as sad as it could become at times, it was the emotional struggle and that push/pull of modern-day ‘romance’ that Meghan & Caitlin have detailed so well in their words, energy, melody, and vocals combined that would have been the clincher for me personally.  These are the kind of feelings, thoughts, and emotions that absolutely come from a very real place…one that’s unafraid to fully examine the good & bad, the ups & downs…and ultimately, what we’re willing to sacrifice for a moment of satisfaction or a lifetime of love.  Anyone out there that thinks these decisions just come easy to everyone out there is more crazy than anyone out there struggling with the same emotions on display throughout “Midnight” – this much I know is true.  I think what Meghan & Caitlin might have done just a fraction better than anything else they’ve done on this song, is really tap into something relatable here on this single, but more importantly, have the courage to put it into words & sing about it.  I hear a song like this and I instantly become aware of how many hundreds & thousands, and hundreds of thousands, of sets of ears out there that will listen to a song like this, and if only for a moment in time, not feel quite as alone in the world.  There’s such an impressive & comforting raw honesty in the songwriting here…and combined with this heart-melting melody they’ve created…it’s truly a beautiful tune that’s got exceptional contrast that echoes the push/pull of the feelings involved in this situation.

With a beginning that starts in a tender & fragile, Regina Spektor-esque style, before “Midnight” bursts open into a powerfully expressive and empowering anthem that’s ultimately encouraging each and every one of you to know your value, know your worth – and to go and LIVE life…to LOVE…and to be proud of that at every moment as long as you’re staying true to who YOU are and what YOU want.  Or at least that’s what I’m getting out of it…I might be reading a little bit between the lines here…but I’m pretty sure that’s what Meghan & Caitlin are getting at here.  They’re not here to judge, they’re not here to preach to ya on “Midnight” or tell you not to do something you might feel like you want to be doing – they’re highlighting the fact that every face we see and voice we hear has a whole set of thoughts, feelings, and emotions of their own that come along with it…and that we all deserve respect & love, whether it’s for a night, or a lifetime.

I could spin this tune happily all year long…and I’m sure I WILL.  Gorgeous vocals from both Meghan & Caitlin, flawless music surrounding them, and a warmth in this vibe that tells ya they’re gonna be A-OK in this crazy love-filled world of our modern-day…and that you will be too.

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