Maximilian Wentz – “Sorry”

 Maximilian Wentz – “Sorry”

Tough song to write my brother, and I’m “Sorry” it’s one you had to create Maximilian Wentz…we’re feelin’ your pain here.

The reality is, he’s written this song in tribute to his grandmother, who is currently battling Alheizmer’s, and no longer recognizes him at this point in time.

While I could go on about how well-played this song is, or the excellent job Wentz has done in singing a song that would cause just about anyone to get choked up through the process…really, it’s so much more about what he’s communicating here than anything else.  Not only does writing a song like this provide some relief & catharsis personally, but you also realize just how not alone you truly are…and how many other people out there in the world are feeling exactly like Maximilian is right at this very moment.  You gotta salute artists like this guy, who can push through the pain, and still find a way to say what they need to say, while healing as best they can with the music they make to guide them…and I think many listeners out there will relate to the gripping honesty you’ll find in the way Wentz has written his words & the range of complexity that’s revealed through the varying emotions that transition between the intensity of guilt & his loving devotion to a family member he’s devastated to be losing a piece at a time.  Ultimately, it takes superhuman strength to write a track as personal as this is…and Wentz should be proud of the results…for what it sounds like for sure with its acoustic tension, but even more-so for what this song stands for & its unwavering love on display.

Find out more about Maximilian Wentz at his official homepage at:

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