Mario Petrix – “Voyager”

Mario Petrix – “Voyager” – Single Review
Italian-born & based electro-artist Mario Petrix recently showed up on our pages with his recent single “Electro World” which we reviewed, absorbed and fully enjoyed. Not surprised to see this consistently creative, progressive House-music-making producer/performer back in the mix so soon…Mario definitely seems to be the creative-type that never takes a massive break from making music. Clearly a passionate guy when it comes to making music – Mario has a signature-style of chilled-out House that works a slow, subtle-energy and gentle, hypnotic vibe that always seems to find a way to connect to & captivate listening ears.
“Voyager” represents its title pretty damn-well really. Like a “Voyager” of any reference on any journey, there are moments of triumph…new exciting discoveries and a few minor trips along the way. What I immediately found myself attached to on Mario’s latest track was the playful way this electro-melody makes this song into a sonic-adventure. The bright synth-line of the main melodies driving “Voyager” are filled with sweet-tones that are audibly delightful…much of it really does sound as potentially free-styled as it does a focused studio-recording.
While the subtle low-end pulse continually pushes “Voyager” forward, there are absolutely stunning electro-samples and wild additions into the main melody that make this song a completely low-key thrill-ride. It’s the kind of song you’d almost expect to grow tired of in the sense that “Voyager” tends to wander around quite a bit in the same terrain of sweetened electro-tones – but the way that Mario has managed to incorporate these tiny bursts of creativity along the way into the lefts & rights of your speakers is bound to impress.
Of course…with the synth-line taking the lead and also generally keeping that melody intact, a song of even three & a half minutes long is still going to be a tough thing to achieve consistently all the way through if the tendency is to wander and explore, which Mario will a little on “Voyager.” Right around the one-minute mark is kind of what tells me that Petrix might have assembled this one on the fly; it doesn’t sound bad…doesn’t sound wrong…just sounds like the energy slightly dulls the bright-shine of the electro through the choice of tones that are slighty below the ideal sparkle I’d think he would go for. In terms of the way the notes themselves are played/programmed into this beat…a lot of that too feels like there are some focused-lines, but also a few that veer off course slightly…even others that when you listen, for those of you musicians out there…you’ll swear you’re hearing a sequence of happy-accidents. You know the ones…we all love’em…you get into the studio with a melody in your head, and get right in there to FIND it and MINE it right out of your skull and onto a record. Like many thoughts…that can lead to a few scattered moments before the clarity comes after.
But even though I felt like “Voyager” wandered and bent itself in a few directions that might not sound completely intentional…I did feel like the overall joyful rhythms and tones of “Voyager” made for a listening experience still far worth repeating. Mario really is onto something with his subtle-approach and clever ideas for electro-grooves and I think the ambition of the idea in “Voyager” and how the music connects most likely to the concept driving the themes in his work overall. Just like the last time we heard from him not too long ago on “Electro World” – Mario’s found something here you’ll want to listen to through the invitational-nature of “Voyager” and certainly created another repeatable experience in his latest-single.
Find out more about Mario Petrix and support him at Facebook here:
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