Lette Weaver – “Patio”

Lette Weaver – “Patio” – Single Review
I definitely remember Lette Weaver from earlier this year when I reviewed her single “Toxic” towards the end of summer – in terms of identity, skill, and style, I’d be surprised if anyone out there that’s ever heard her music could possibly forget her…she’s genuinely as memorable as it gets. Am I stoked to see her back on my playlist so quickly? You fuckin’ betcha homie. Lette’s not just a killer artist in every regard, but she’s a genuine WIN for the entire Hip-Hop/Rap community overall. She’s got such an undeniable level of verbal swag that everyone out there would hear it when she’s rappin’ – and as far as the art of the hook is concerned, this new single “Patio” confirms she’s capable of bringin’ it to your speakers with the best of the best. As far as the genres of Rap/Hip-Hip are concerned, if you’re a fan, you should be extremely excited about what Lette brings to the game – I don’t think there’s any doubt that she’ll be taking over the charts worldwide in a mere matter of time. As I like to remind y’all from time to time here at these pages of ours…talent like this can’t stay secret for long – so if you don’t know Lette’s music YET…trust me when I tell ya that you will – this lady’s got a firm date with international success. LISTEN to the stylistically slick flow on “Patio” yo – Weaver’s straight-up sensational. Clearly capable of creating flawless rhymes that are guaranteed to catch your ears for the sound of her songs every bit as much as the content of her lyricism – Lette’s got talent that money can’t buy and the sheer desire to use it for your entertainment. Consider yourselves lucky – artists like Weaver don’t come along every day…she’s got every reason to believe she could conquer the Rap game & claim the throne.
So believe me when I tell ya, it makes it all the more shocking that she “ain’t got no hos to get nasty with” – Lette should have them hos lined up for blocks and blocks and be takin’ numbers on the regular! I think she’ll be doin’ just fine as time goes on…maybe she’s stuck in a dry spell for the moment, but no different than talent like Lette’s is guaranteed to attract listeners, it’s equally guaranteed to attract them hos too – so no worries Weaver, I’m sure they’re on the way. “Want me to give a fuck? I give plenty and keep it movin.’” I love the attitude that Lette brings to the mic – ultimately, that’s where she finds her biggest wins without a doubt…it’s about personality, confidence, demeanor – all that & more really. As a single like “Patio” will confirm, you’ll hear lots of kickass things in her songs from the sound of the music & beat to her stylistic vibes & lyrical content – but at the end of the day, Lette Weaver IS the hook y’all – I don’t know that anything could be written so well that it would take away from the core of what truly makes her music work, and that’s the indescribable X-factor, authenticity, and serious star-power she brings to every syllable she spits. You can hear how focused Lette is on achieving greatness when she’s making her music – “Patio” is freakishly flawless, and it’s certainly no accident that it sounds that way – Weaver puts in the WORK, and it’s entirely because of that, that she gets the exceptional results that she does. “Toxic” was already more than enough for me to know she was onto something with the way she approaches Hip-Hop/Rap – and “Patio” simply confirms what I already knew – she’s a genuine star without question. Nothing is left out, nothing could be improved, no advice is necessary – Weaver knows exactly how to make her music connect, and I firmly believe anyone listening would agree, 100%.
You CAN take my word for it, but it’s never something I’d recommend when you’ve got functional ears on your head that can help YOU prove it to yourself. Lette Weaver’s “Patio” is out and available NOW – so go give this single a bump or two on your system and you’ll hear just how right I am about her next level talent, I promise ya. She’s got talent that can’t be denied, and skills that’ll take her right to the top.
Find out more about Lette Weaver from this multi-link here: https://letteweaver.lnk.to/patio
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