LAZORE – “Wanted Man”

 LAZORE – “Wanted Man”

LAZORE – “Wanted Man” – Single Review

You’re not gonna like me, you might wanna hate me – but what do you know?

It’s never a bad thing to have some perspective on what the reception to who you are and what you create could potentially be like.  Art & music is a seriously crazy game to get involved with as you know, make no mistake…either you’ve got the broad shoulders to carry the weight of the world on’em, or you don’t…simple as that really.  If you go into this business thinking that everyone is gonna like you and that no one is gonna hate you, believe me when I tell ya, you’ll find out right quickly that the internet is a cesspool of snipers just waiting to take their shot.  Who knows if 85% of the trolls out there even believe in the shit they write, or if they’re just trollin’ for the love of hate…I don’t really know that it matters to tell you the truth…the more successful you are, the better you get at what you do…they’ll come for you.  It’s unjustified, undignified, and in just about all cases, straight up ugly…don’t go feeding the trolls y’all.

So be ready for it…tackle it head-on, like LAZORE is with this single “Wanted Man.”  People can’t stand other people’s success, jealousy dictates half the actions of the humans on this planet, and there’s no way around all that from what I can tell, so you may as well face it as straight-up as you can.  There will be a whole lot of folks out there that will take issue with LAZORE’s high degree of natural talent and authentic knack for creating catchy material…and that’s unfortunately just the way things are gonna be.  All he can do is keep his head down, do the work, and keep on plowing forward regardless of what anyone else thinks – hell, myself included!  To be completely honest with you all, my opinion on anything is entirely irrelevant to what YOU do, and I would only hope that stays the case forever and ever, amen.  You all just keep being your amazing selves no matter what anyone says…doesn’t matter if they like you, hate you, or are indifferent altogether…you’ve got one life to lead so lead it the way you wanna.  That being said, obviously life gets a lot easier if the hate ain’t coming for ya day after day – and in my heart of hearts, I would only hope that people would support a guy like LAZORE who is simply makin’ his way with the chops he’s got.  He’s not overtly flashy in what he does…he doesn’t end up with songs that need to be fixed in post-production for mass consumption…like I said, he’s an organic talent that knows his way around a melody & how to make music connect to the people out there listening.  As far as I can tell, it’s really as uncomplicated as that.  What else would it need to be?  Ain’t that good enough?  He’s been making flawless tunes since he first decided to go pro with his music, and that’s by no means any easy task no matter what style or sound you’re rockin’ with.  “Wanted Man” is by any definition, a really well-assembled track that’s catchy, memorable, and fully loaded with accessibility.  It’ll have you singin’ along with it before you’ve even finished that first spin, which is another aspect of makin’ music that ain’t easy to achieve.  Love him or hate him, like I’ve been tellin’ ya, LAZORE has got a gift for being able to create the kind of tunes that people readily reach for on their playlists, straight-up.

You’re not gonna find me complaining about anything I hear on “Wanted Man.”  Let’s be clear here – it was only back in March that LAZORE put out his debut EP…right now, at this phase of his career, all I want for the guy is to be able to walk successfully…he can worry about running later on down the line, you feel me?  He’s already rockin’ away at a caliber to be proud of – his performance, music, and vocals on “Wanted Man” are all right where you’d wanna hear things to be, and nothing’s out of line.  That’s the walkin’ y’all…to be able to master a seamless song from start to finish, that’s already something to be proud of, and LAZORE has shown us nothing but that from the moment he put out his music for the first time earlier this year.  The running…that’s a bit more complex and complicated, and it’s always up to the artist/band behind the music to figure out what they wanna do next and how they wanna evolve from the time they start…you know, goals & such.  I can hear there’s still opportunity for LAZORE to create more identity in what he’s making, but that can be done in a variety of ways over time – it’s not something that needs to be done in the very first year of an artist’s career.  You can decisively go about doing things differently from the rest…that’ll always be a way to establish identity – or you can stick with what you know and create a whole signature sound out of it…there’s nothing wrong with going that route either when it comes to finding your identity in music…and there’s a whole bunch of other ways I’m sure we could argue back & forth about being better than the others etc. etc. – the real point, is that you should always WANT somewhere else to go with all that you create.  It’s all about leveling UP, otherwise the only real option is down, you feel me?  Almost every artist & band under the sun looks back on their earliest work and feels like they’d do things differently later on…but everything’s gotta start somewhere, and LAZORE has already proven that the blocks he’s building with are far superior than the ones most people tend to start out with.  I think most folks will really dig “Wanted Man” if I’m being real with ya…it’s only gonna be the jealous motherfuckers out there that envy his ability to write songs that are insatiably catchy so quickly straight outta the gate in his career that are gonna throw any shade his way.  And you know what LAZORE?  Fuck’em man!  Haters gonna hate, as the wise old saying goes…you keep on doing what you do because you love it & you’ll outlast every one of’em, I guarantee.

Relentlessly catchy hooks, great rhythm in the vocals, crisp & clean musicianship…this single should have pretty much everything that you’re lookin’ for in a great summer tune.  “Wanted Man” is officially out this May 31st – make sure to find out more about it and about LAZORE from his main site at:

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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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