la lune – “Disparity”

 la lune – “Disparity”

la lune – “Disparity” – Single Review

I am…hmm…probably more excited about this single than the band would ever know.  I suppose it’s time I told them how I feel.

Sometime back in like…fuck…November last year I think…I was contacted to check out a song by a local band called la lune based outta Vancouver here in good ol’ British Columbia.  As much as I’d love to say I’ve got the time to do that each & every day of my life – we’re in our twelfth year at sleepingbagstudios, and I do not.  Plus I’ve become one of those musical mercenary motherfuckers that I used to hate so much, and now I don’t even get out of bed anymore unless there are stacks and stacks of cash involved.

Okay, maybe that last part isn’t exactly true.  I work with the independent music scene!  Ramen noodles are just fine.  But you get the point – we all wish there was more time than we probably have.  So while it’s fair to say I did listen to “Disparity,” the debut single by la lune way back in December somewhere around its official release date, I’m only getting around to telling you about it now.  On the one hand, you can chastise my abhorrent laziness, because that’d be justified.  On the other, you can safely bet that if I kept a track in my back pocket for as long as I’ve kept this one, that it’s freakin’ spectacular.  Besides – let’s be completely fair here – sure I’m as slow as a sloth both mentally AND physically, but la lune themselves are still just puttin’ shit together too.  Like, you gotta be an expert sleuth to track down their information online, and like, their brand-new video supporting “Disparity” just came out yesterday.  But no…I’m not paying attention, I promise, I swear.  It’s just merely coincidence that I know this kind of stuff.

Anyhow.  Here’s what’s real – “Disparity” is seriously fucking awesome to listen to, and I can’t wait to see this band play live now after watching their video.  Props to grayson lang, who did a kickass job in snapping the visuals together and catching la lune everywhere from the farm to the dank underground of their jam space.  It’s a gritty vid that captures their Indie/Shoegaze vibe perfectly.  As for the song, to be truthful with ya, despite being behind on reviewing it by a couple months here, “Disparity” is the kind of cut that I genuinely can’t get enough of.  Melodic and hazy where it should be, energetic and electrifying where it needs to be, and fuzzy at all times…truly, I fucking love it.  They’ve got a sound that’s got the murky roots of The Cure, the gritty Indie-cred of early Death Cab For Cutie albums, the sparkle of melody you’d find in the deeper cuts by Bloc Party, and a faded-Rock vibe that would certainly remind guys like me that are one step outta the old-folks home of Canadian legends like Eric’s Trip.  You get it…la lune is an amalgamation of many things…so they might remind you of any of these names at different points as you listen to “Disparity,” and not at all in others.  How’s that for saying something and nothing at the same time?  Like I was tellin’ ya earlier folks, we’re in our twelfth year over here.

No joke though – what they’ve got goin’ on is entirely exciting to me.  “Disparity” is completely the kind of song that I’d personally listen to, and la lune is the kind of band that could very well go on to form a new scene around them here in the ol’ music haven that we know and love in Vancouver.  From what I’ve been able to see online through my Google-machine, they’ve been getting out there onstage a fair bit so far this early on into their time, and from what I’ve learned, we should be able to expect that to continue with the band working towards their debut EP coming out on the homegrown Kingfisher Bluez label.  They’ve even played a show fairly recently with our homies in New Age Doom at the Astoria!  How the fuck did I miss THAT show, I do NOT know…but that ain’t gonna happen to me twice in one lifetime!  *clicks to purchase tickets to see la lune LIVE at The Pearl this January 19th

Essentially, “Disparity” is where it all starts for la lune, and hopefully they surge into a groundbreaking year ahead of’em.  I want to eat this song for breakfast, lunch, and dinner – “Disparity” is my jam, 100%.  So apologies to la lune for dragging my ass on reviewing their song…but again to my credit, I was only ever just quiet – I never forgot about them, or how much I wanted to share this badass track with the world out there…and so here we are.  After hearing “Disparity” and seeing their video, I’ll be rushing to see the band play live the next time I’ve got the opportunity to (ahem…*cough *cough – January 19th at The Pearl y’all – see you there!), and you can bet your ass that this won’t be the last time you’re hearing about’em on these pages of ours.  There’s something significantly special about this band…they’ve got an energy and aura immediately connects to listeners/viewers…we don’t always know where that’ll go in the future or where it’ll take the music overall, but I’m stoked to be along for the ride to find out.  For a debut, there’s not a single damn thing I’d change about “Disparity” – this four-piece band seems to have all the right instincts and talent that’ll lead them to success based on what I’ve heard…so for now, it’s merely a matter of staying the course for la lune, and keep on pushing forward.  Solid lyricism, stellar vocals, killer drums and guitars, with bass that holds down the rhythm & backing vocals that fit perfectly…la lune seems to know their sound inside & out already – I’d be crazy to try & offer’em any advice on how to do things any better than they’re doing them right now when I love what I’m hearing so far.

Like…LISTEN to that spot right around the 3:35 mark will ya?  The most you’ll find me conceding to ya is that I’d have taken another thirty or forty seconds of that final burst of energy, but that’s hardly a criticism so much as it is a compliment.  They seem like they’re setting up to let a whole other gear rip right before “Disparity” ends…but I’ll be damned if that ain’t one of the reasons I want to keep repeating it as much as I do.  la lune is definitely a band you should have on your radar, and keep on your playlists.

Find out more about la lune from their official page at Instagram:

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