

This month at the homepage, interviews are being sent out all over the place.  We’ve sent out a bunch this August and we’re gonna keep that roll going strong throughout the rest of 2017 for ya with a bunch of 10-question interviews that are the same for all, so we can see/hear/identify what those common threads between us all in music really are and get to the bottom of what’s happening out there in the independent music-scene right now from the perspective of the artists & bands in the thick of it all.  And of course…there are a few interviews in the mix with additional questions as we get to know some brand-new artists bursting onto the scene – just like this one here!  Check out life in music through the eyes of Kozie and find out what’s happening for this innovative new solo-artist this year in 2017 below!

Interview With Kozie

SBS:  What’s new & what’s happening with your music right now?

Kozie:  I started this project about a year ago and I released 2 songs via YouTube called “Life’s A Bitch” and “Fly” and I just got off a full US tour, with another 10 day west coast tour for beginning of October.

SBS:  What’s your opinion on the current state of the world and are politics influencing or getting in the way of your music at all?

Kozie:  My personal opinion is that there are so many distractions and people are getting lost. No, nothing gets in the way of my music or how i live my life 🙂

SBS:  What’s been the highlight of 2017 for you and your music personally so far?

Kozie:  Probably the tour I just got off, I learned a lot and made me hungry for more.

SBS:  Name three independent bands or artists out there we should all be listening to & tell us why.

Kozie:  I actually don’t listen to much current music or independent bands. I’m too focused on getting myself off the ground.

SBS:  What is your favorite stage to play on in your city right now – what makes it perfect for you?

Kozie:  In Los Angeles i love playing The Mint and Viper Room and in Philadelphia it’s the Fillmore, such a beautiful venue.

SBS:  Where do you think your music is best received by the people and why?  As in…do they connect to it most through the audio recordings, videos, live-stage…where do you feel you have the most impact and make the biggest impression and what makes that the best way to experience your music?

Kozie:  I think live for myself since I play them more stripped down than my recordings and you can feel and see my uplifting weirdness.

SBS:  Where do you personally think your own music has the most room to improve or expand and what steps are you making towards getting the results you’re looking for?

Kozie:  I’m always looking to improve in all aspects of my music. I always have a vision for my tunes and I’m never satisfied, a perfectionist I suppose.

SBS:  What’s the most memorable moment you have from a live-show or tour?  Tell us a story!

Kozie:  I’d say the last date on my last tour, it was in Philly and had lots of family and friends see me play for the first time.

SBS:  What’s the key factor that drives you to continue making music and how does it play a role?

Kozie:  I’m so passionate for music and how powerful of a feeling it can give you.

SBS:  What do you hope that people hear most inside of the songs you create?

Kozie:  I hope they hear what they need to hear, if that’s struggles or good times. Just to hear what you need in the moment you’re in.

SBS:  Do you feel like there’s a lot of room for your music out there in the world Kozie – or does it feel more claustrophobic than that?  Sometimes with so much music out there, it can feel like there’s less opportunity to be listened to at all.  With the music you make in the style you make it – are there as many opportunities to put it out there as you thought there would be?  What’s your experience with getting your music out there into the world & how tough is it to get noticed in today’s world?

Kozie:  It’s really tough. I feel there’s always room for passionate music and to not have any expectations. As long as you’re trying your hardest creating music, playing live… you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be. But yes, it’s very tough getting your tunes out there, just gotta keep on pushing!

SBS:  You have a lot of different elements leading you to a diverse sound that’s not really any ‘one’ type of thing…and from the sound of everything I’ve personally heard so far, it’s quite accessible to the ear.  Are you making an effort to write ‘hits’ or do these hooks come out more organically than that?  What’s the process behind your writing and how do you go about ensuring that what comes out in the recording sounds as comfortable & natural as it does?  What qualities does a song you write HAVE to have in order for you to be willing to put it out there for the people?

Kozie:  I always do whatever feels right, I’ve always liked “hit” songs but it’s not something I try to do. I just write and it comes together in many different ways depending on what is drawing me towards the song. My songs just need to satisfy myself to be heard.

SBS:  The two recent singles/lyric-videos for “Fly” and “Life’s A Bitch” – is this where it all starts with the music of Kozie?  They’re the first two postings we can see on the channel…so how hard do you plan on hitting it from here?  If you were to gauge your own determination and inspiration right now – what would you say about it?  Essentially…should people be checking this channel every day, every week, every month – what?  How much music can we look forward to coming out this year from Kozie?

Kozie:  I just put 2 of my tunes out there since i was going on tour and didn’t wanna go out there with no songs out for people to listen to.  I have 12 songs finished plus still in the studio working on more songs. It’s a nonstop process with myself and producer Gavin Mackillop. I’ll keep making songs, releasing as I see fit until somebody like a label wants to come into the process.

SBS:  Would it be fair to say that what we’ll hear in the future of your music would be a logical progression from the sounds we hear in the style of “Fly” and “Life’s A Bitch?”  Are you looking to continue to refine and develop the approach you’ve currently applied to these tracks or will you be looking to switch it up completely and take things in a new direction?

Kozie:  I have so many different styles, I have a couple songs that get pretty big and loud, a couple funky songs, one that has a country vibe… I have many musical inspirations from all colors of the musical world and it definitely shows through my music.

SBS:  Open-floor Kozie!  Take this opportunity to say anything else you’d like to all the people out there!

Kozie:  Keep posted with all things Kozie! More songs, merch will be online soon, tell a friend… and keep it real out there 🙂

We’ve got questions, you’ve got answers – be our next interview guest at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here!



"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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