Katie Underwood – “Feel So Good”

Katie Underwood – “Feel So Good” – Single Review
Ayyy…when it’s right, it’s right, you know what I mean?
I am going to assume…given the name, given the promixity, given the sound of her voice…that Katie Underwood would be the same Katie Underwood that I learned about…hmm…nearly a decade ago now I suppose…back when I was reviewing an Australian-based band called Evoletah that had an amazing guest appearance from her on their song “Time” from an album called We Ache For The Moon. How am I doing? Did I pinpoint that closely enough? I released that review on October 15th, 2013 if that helps…
That’s still one of my favorite cuts on that record, and you don’t forget a voice like Katie has. #Facts.
Anyhow! It’s fantastic to know talented artists like Underwood are still out there doing what they love, ain’t it? It certainly makes my world turn dear readers, dear friends…I always find it inspiring to reconnect with people like Katie after all this time, and of course, to hear her thriving in her element once again. Like I was saying at the start – when it’s right, it’s right…and that’s exactly what it feels like to listen to her latest single. Back with one of the easiest cuts to like or love that you’ll hear this year, Katie sounds as stellar as I remember, and infused with positive energy on this stylistic hybrid slice of R&B/Pop. It feels so good to listen to this single, and I’d imagine I won’t be alone in feeling that way.
For starters, it sure sounds like Katie agrees with me…she’s come out shining bright in her performance and fuels this whole song with passion and soul. What’s not to love about this song? Quite honestly, it’s a flawless tune…if there’s a fault to be found in it, these ears of mine cannot find it. Katie’s an authentic veteran & professional that knows exactly how to get the best out of her voice…she’s radiant, engaging, and surrounded by a glowing aura of positivity you can completely hear. “Feel So Good” is essentially what it sounds like when you’re right in the place where you belong, and you just wanna sing about it.
Don’t get me wrong – Katie’s actually singing about a very relatable feeling – many of you out there have probably experienced reaching a similar plane of existence in your own lives…but the reality for the vast majority of us is that even if we did know exactly what she’s writing about, we probably wouldn’t sound half as good as this incredible lady does. Now…I don’t want that to stop ya…if you’re feeling great and feeling yourself and you feel like singing out loud…don’t let me or anyone else prevent ya from living your best life. In fact, Katie’s giving you the opportunity to turn a track like this up and sing along as your own personal anthem…if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands – but if you’re feelin’ freakin’ fantastic, then turn this track up loud & proud, and by all means sing along with Underwood.
Listen to the stellar rhythm & flow she’s written into the verses will ya? The chorus hooks are going to land successfully without a doubt, but credit where credit is due, the verses she’s written have got a true allure of their own and they’re bound to pull people in to listen every bit as much. Beyond that, you can hear all the hallmarks of her professionalism from the perfection of her performance, to the exceptional musicianship she’s surrounded by. Those bass-lines y’all! If that’s not the vibrant bounce you’re looking for in any given day you’re out there, I’m not sure what else to tell ya other than that you SHOULD be! “Feel So Good” has the kind of reinvigorating energy to it that’ll get your whole body and soul moving.
From what I’m reading on her social media pages online & whatnot, it sounds like Katie has got a whole bunch of exciting stuff planned for her music this year…so make sure you’re paying close attention y’all! Heck, in the next month alone, she’s got at least four versions of this very single dropping in all kinds of different remixes for ya, starting with the original mix and the “BoogieNights Dub” mix coming out on Feb. 17th…maybe even earlier if you know where to look…*cough *cough YouTube…you get the picture I’m sure…there’s music, and lots of it, coming out! It’s awesome to have Katie back in action, back up on our pages & to have her incredible voice singing through our speakers once again. I’m fully stoked to hear her connection to all-things-music is every bit as strong as it has ever been and it’s great to see that she’s got a year’s worth of brand-new entertainment being planned for you all to enjoy – stay tuned!
Find out more about Katie Underwood from her official page at Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/underwoodHC
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