Kalel – “Wave”

This emcee is bringing a ton to the game.
From the beat to the rhymes, rapper Kalel has got himself a slow-burning single-worthy cut with his latest, called “Wave.” With incredibly thought-provoking rhymes that dive deep into his personal experiences and emotions, Kalel connects poetically in a very real way…like music in 3D, you can feel this single. Excellent music hanging suspended in the atmosphere, “Wave” sets up Kalel with a mysterious & melodic beat to work his magic over – which he certainly will. Not only does the man bring insightful words to his new single, but he displays a mastery of adding genuine meaning, emotion, and power to the lyrics through his tone of voice and subtle, shifting energy on the mic. With compelling visual imagery in the video to set your mind adrift into your own thoughts while you listen to Kalel’s, he twists you through a hard tale of life & love and doing whatever it takes to survive it – “Wave” is a seriously memorable moment in time and flawless cut.
Listen to more music by Kalel at his official page at Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/kalelmsc
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