James Keen – “Falling Or Flying”

 James Keen – “Falling Or Flying”

James Keen – “Falling Or Flying” – Single Review

Strong tune from James Keen here.

I often do this thing as I’m listening to music, you might do it too…do you ever try to fill in the blanks?  Like, once I recognize a melodic pattern, I start to naturally guess what the lyrics will be for the next line coming up, because you know it’s gotta rhyme with the line that came before, especially when it comes to the ol’ singer/songwriters out there.  Aside from the last line of the chorus in this tune, where James will sing the title out loud for ya, he kept me guessing throughout this whole song – and I appreciate that.  For real, I truly do.  There’s nothing tougher for me to get through in listening to new music than when it’s like listening to something you’ve heard already or can see coming in some kind of predictable way.  Patterns and melodies are one thing, and it’s somewhat normal to feel like you’ve heard something similar to something else…but it can be damn near tragic when it happens with lyrics y’all.  I felt like “Falling Or Flying” was really well thought-out from start to finish, and a stellar example of some of Keen’s own finest songwriting if you ask me.  I like to think I’ve got a fair frame of reference – I’ve been listening to his music for about seven years at this point.  From afar on the other side of the screen over here, far across the pond from where he’s based out of in the UK, I’ve ridden along with him through the ups and downs, the peaks and valleys…the uhhh…well, let’s just say the variety that a music career provides in retrospect, shall we?  For the most part, I think I’ve always been able to enjoy what he’s come up with on some level, whether it’s been his recent solo efforts or what he’s created in the past as part of Magazine Gap – but I also think it’s important to be able to notice when an artist sounds particularly inspired and at their best.  “Falling Or Flying” sounds like Keen really found the sound he’s been searching for…this is an excellent combination of appealing hooks paired with substantial content.

To James’ credit, he’s always put together a thought-provoking tune to listen to, and in that respect “Falling Or Flying” is no exception to the high standards he’s set in the past.  I really enjoyed the way he’s juxtaposed “Falling Or Flying” and how similar these two things could potentially be, and what the consequences & benefits could be for both.  Once life gets moving at full speed, and you’ve got the momentum behind you, you could completely be “Falling Or Flying” towards your destiny, and it could be a lot tougher to tell which is which if you’re not too cautious or careful.  While it’s certainly true that there are many great lines to be found throughout the course of this single, it’s also arguable that its most potent is right there on display in the title & main hook.  I definitely felt like it was the most insightful, observant, and clever…Keen writes from an internal point of view, but what he’s actually saying in the context of “Falling Or Flying” is probably a heck of a lot more relatable than you might think.  So lyrically, I felt like he’s really hit his stride here, and I felt like this song branched out from the concept to expand his confidence in every other area that comes along with it.  For example, the vocal melody is spot-on…or you could cite how the guitar solo in this tune is likely one of the best you’ve ever heard from the guy – I know I felt that way in listening to it.  I’ve always maintained that when an artist is really feeling the moment and into their material, we come right along with them and we feel it too.  “Falling Or Flying” is a prime demonstration of that effect in action…listening to James both sing & play his way through this song should practically give you chills – partly because you can relate to the content, but also because of his own connection to the material, idea, music, and concept.  He’s playing this song with intent, purpose, passion, and a genuine wisdom that believes in what he’s singing about – and ultimately, that matters.  The power of his conviction is uncanny here.  Which is honestly kinda cool when you think about it…a song called “Falling Or Flying” revolves around a feeling of uncertainty and questioning what’s real, but in the way that Keen plays it, you’d swear he could predict the future, and that through his experience, he already knows the outcome of the main questions he’s asking in “Falling Or Flying.”  The real bottom line is, James is a completely effective communicator from the music to the microphone on this single, and he’s revealing a vulnerability that truly connects to everyone listening.  It’s great songwriting without question, rivaled only by the execution of his idea – but more importantly, it’s real, honest, and natural.  Keen’s more than capable of writing some really glossy, shiny Pop/Rock when he chooses to – but it’s songs like “Falling Or Flying” that prove he’s got so much more to offer.

I’m really impressed by this!  I love the way he sings it, love the way he plays it even more, and the writing is first class all the way through.  So…spoiler alert…I think the answer to his question is ‘flying’ based on everything I’ve heard; it’s awesome to hear this guy tap into his true strengths as a solo artist.

“Falling Or Flying” comes from his brand-new album called Crossover, which is out and available online now – find out more about James Keen from his official website at:  https://jameskeenmusic.com

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