Jai Musiq – “Patience”

Jai Musiq – “Patience” – Single Review
Been a while! Always great to see & hear an artist is still out there doin’ their thang – it’s been about a year and a half or so since we’ve had Jai Musiq on our pages, back when we reviewed his record Dolan Drive Dreams back in 2016 when the world was still a simple & peaceful place…y’all remember that? We heard the potential back then and felt plenty confident Jai would be back again – and here we are.
With a seriously smooth tune called “Patience” – Jai has made the wait worthwhile. Not only has he come back with a song that’s chilled-out & inviting to listen to, but it’s focused & tightly written around a concept that we can all relate to on some level. Essentially, “Patience” is about making that jump from being single to being committed – but for the very first time. You remember the fear, the excitement, the trepidation, the emotions and the energy that come along with that pivotal moment in life…and if you don’t know or haven’t experienced that yet, well, that’s even better when it comes to listening to this new single – “Patience” ultimately gives you a blueprint for how to navigate through such a time.
You can tell you’re in for an intimate, up-close & personal track from the subtle way that Jai takes you into the vibe of “Patience,” with a layer of backing-vocals that talks out his thoughts direct – an essential part of this song. There are several layers of vocals that contribute to the song along the way, strengthening the atmosphere in really impressive ways that allow the music to stay truly minimalist while still offering a lot to the ears through the insightful way Jai’s voice is mixed into his surroundings throughout “Patience.” Lyrically, he gets completely real with YOU – but perhaps most importantly, he’s being real with himself, which is what makes this track connect and what drives its sincere intentions, message, and sound.
He sings it really well, he’s got it mixed solidly, the sound of the music is captivating & charming, his voice is loaded with character and tangible sentiment…it’s excellent to have Jai Musiq back with such a solid single, he’s done a fantastic job with “Patience” and I suspect many out there will really dig this. A thought-provoking cut with an easygoing vibe…I’m always impressed with an artist when they get this personal and put this much of their genuine-self into their music and art like Jai Musiq has. You can hear that audible strength in the connection to the emotion, energy and atmosphere of the song when it’s written that way…and as a result, we as listeners connect right along with it, because we believe in the moment that Jai’s created. Essentially, it’s so real to him that it becomes that real to us as well by proxy.
Stay in the know on all the details of Jai Musiq by checking in on his official page at Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/jaimusiq
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