Harmony Drive – “See You”

Harmony Drive – “See You” – Single Review
Oslo, Norway’s alt/rock/pop band Harmony Drive managed to leave a solid impression & a smile on my face after first listening to & reviewing their album Metal Heads With Broken Hearts all the way back in September of this year.
Wait…whaaaaaat? They’re back with new material already? Sweet! It has barely been a month since we checked out that record and Harmony Drive has already released another nugget of audio-gold with a brand-new single called “See You.” Last time around with the full album, I didn’t know what to expect when I got the hits of bold pop/rock hooks on the material on Metal Heads With Broken Hearts…I was expecting like, punk or sludge-rock or something along those lines; this time around I’m prepared.
What I’m hearing on the new song “See You” is certainly single-worthy…quite honestly, I’m kind of shocked to hear them back so quickly, now knowing they must have been holding out on us that first time around and keeping this upcoming single on the down-low! It’s the best kind of surprise you can get in a day though…more music from a reliable source like Harmony Drive…so I’m cool with it. If anything – I think it helps them out a lot; there’s a widespread, accessible & inviting sound to “See You” that stands a huge chance of being able to pull people right in to their music. They might be like me and hear the album first and continue on the hunt to discover this particular single…or they might very well hear this new song first and then go back to listen to the record. I feel strongly that either direction you’d take would lead you to the other available material in their catalog…you’ll seek them out and want to hear what they’ve done before or are doing now.
“See You” showcases the further refinement in the Harmony Drive. While I do think that, for the most part, this single could have also existed with the material on Metal Heads With Broken Hearts…I do think they’ve made a smart play in letting this particular cut stand-out & shine on its own. I feel like it’s a strong enough tune that it would have shone bright in either setting…it would definitely have stood out to me on their album if it was on it; “See You” and its every ticking second sound designed to be a hit. In a natural way mind you…nothing sounds contrived or forced, it’s quite the opposite. Harmony Drive sounds incredibly right at home on their new song “See You” – and that invitational sincerity is audibly intoxicating to listen to in all the right ways.
The guitars sound sweet, the rhythm section between the drums & bass hold the fort steadily as the vocals begin the verse and “See You” starts. I like the vocal-flow and the choices made on which words to stretch into the structure…again, nothing sounds forced, it all sounds incredibly natural and smooth. The chorus itself is dripping with audio-sweetness in amongst its clear & crisp hooks in the writing – Harmony Drive has performed this one perfectly and really managed to bring out every nook & cranny in the song to a sparkle & shine. The pre-chorus to the end where the band steps out of the chilled-out breakdown builds wonderfully, getting bigger and bigger before eventually breaking like a wave on the shoreline to reveal the chorus once more before the end.
While there’s still a forlorn melancholy expressed in the lyricism based in personal reflection, questioning and love…the emotion in the words is well-matched with the music and pace of “See You.” Everything manages to sound perfectly mixed into their dreamy alt-pop sound on this new single…nothing about this one I’d change and I certainly think those hooks are set out to snag the rest of the ears out there in the world. “See You” is a slice of relaxing, inviting music that still finds insightful ways to captivatingly entertain us at the same time. Harmony Drive has got a solid grip on their delicate approach and sparkling sound…the end results of “See You” get a big thumbs-up from me – this is a beautiful new addition to their growing catalog of memorable tunes.
Find out more about Harmony Drive from their official Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/harmonydrivemusic
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