Gli scritti di Roberto Albano de Rosa – “C’è chi legge Omero e poi c’è Omero”

 Gli scritti di Roberto Albano de Rosa – “C’è chi legge Omero e poi c’è Omero”

Gli scritti di Roberto Albano de Rosa is set up for great success in many ways – this is a seriously cool new project!  Through the new video for the single “C’è chi legge Omero e poi c’è Omero” you can see how art & music perfectly complement each other and how the music itself can inspire the art you’ll see onscreen in the video for the song, which eventually becomes the official cover-art.  But it doesn’t stop there!  Gli scritti di Roberto Albano de Rosa puts a full-line of clever merch on display once the artwork is completed and truly shows just how much potential exists beyond the music.  Essentially, Gli scritti di Roberto Albano de Rosa has tied all his passions together and really allowed himself to express his artistic vision in multiple ways that are bound to catch your attention.

Find out more from the official page at

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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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