Firekind – “One Thing”

 Firekind – “One Thing”

Firekind – “One Thing” – Single Review

Alrighty…let’s see…where were we?

Ahh yes!  Way back in 2015…

Honestly, I’m not kidding.  Back in the summer of 2015, I was 100% convinced that I was witnessing something remarkably special through the music of Firekind when I heard it for the very first time.  I believe, if I’m not mistaken, that debut record became somewhat mythological over the years to follow as Firekind when on to revamp the album into a deluxe edition, eventually re-releasing What I Have Found Is Already Lost five years later towards the end of 2020.  Like just about every band under the sun, they needed some time to consolidate their ideas and form a concrete path forward – and to their credit, it seems like they did.  Maybe they weren’t ready to roll out when I initially thought they were back in 2015…I’ll at least allow some debate on that…but it’s undeniable that when they came back, they came back focused and ready to go.  What I Have Found Is Already Lost was led by its lead-single “Adrenalin” (freakin’ GREAT tune!), and the deluxe version of the record also contained acoustic renditions of songs like “It’s Not Over” and “Sound Of Rain” that were also singles, in addition to “If There’s Any Reason” being one as well.  They did extremely well with that debut album, even if it kinda took’em forever to officially get it out there in the way they wanted to present it to the world.  Like all good things, it was well worth waiting for Firekind to do things right on their terms, and they’ve gone on to continue to conquer as a result of their reset.  The Cry For Help EP was released in 2021, as was their Live In Lockdown EP as well – and now they’re back out there playing live on stages throughout the UK, with a brand-new single on the horizon for release as well, called “One Thing.”  This is all an extremely roundabout way of saying FINALLY, SOME CONFIRMATION HAS ARRIVED, AND I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG.

I think it’s amazing how tastes can change, yet there is always something out there with the power it takes to pull you back into a previous interest.  I don’t mind Rock and Alt-Rock these days, but it’s not usually the genres I gravitate towards as much as I used to.  Firekind is a band that has always had what it takes to get my attention…and I can’t even begin to explain how much they’ve exceeded even my own wildest hopes and expectations with “One Thing.”  So sure…my playlists are probably more loaded with Trip-Hop and Alt-Folk these days than they used to be, but in having this band show back up in my inbox once again, sounding THIS damn good…believe me y’all, there’s practically nothing else I wanna listen to.  I have cranked up “One Thing” loud enough for people halfway across town to hear it, and I sincerely hope that they have.  Jas Morris is ENORMOUS on this song, even when he’s in a more vulnerable state.  The man was a Guitarist Of The Year for Guitarist magazine, and it’s songs like “One Thing” that have you realizing just how well he knows how to use his instrument to create the maximum effect.  The definition of the guitar in this song is nothing short of exquisite to listen to, but what I think might even make “One Thing” more impressive is that the bass and drums come along with it in that regard.  We’re talkin’ about top notch quality straight across the board in the musicianship…all the punch you wanna hear in a great Alt-Rock song is right where it should be in this single & it’s freakishly potent as a result.

No joke folks, I’d be the first in line to buy tickets to see Firekind if they’re sounding like this right now.

I feel like even with as many amazing things about the music that there are to be admired from the sound to the structure, to the sheer balance of strengths in their instrumentation & stunning production, that I might STILL tell ya the best part of this track could quite possibly be the way that Jas sings this song.  There’s little more I can tell ya other than the fact that he’s a seasoned professional that simply ‘gets it’ – you know what I mean?  You want riveting emotion?  He’ll give it to ya.  You want that genuine sincerity you can connect to?  He’ll supply.  You want the kind of authenticity that’ll set him apart from the rest of what’s out there?  Check that box for a win as well – Firekind has everything it needs straight across the board, but also possesses a seriously fierce weapon on the microphone that has everything it takes to propel this band straight to the top of the playlists and charts out there.  Just because I’ve NEVER doubted them doesn’t mean I can’t be every bit as blown away as you will be with results like this.  HUGE DRUMS, robust bass, and wicked guitars that show range from explosive chops to more delicate parts, which allows Firekind to surge with raw power & strength as they flow from verse to chorus.  You connect with the emotion in a song like “One Thing,” because you can identify with the passion they’re playing with…your ears naturally know when they hear something authentic and the kind of magic in music that couldn’t possibly be faked.  Firekind is fired up, and arguably sounding better than they ever have on “One Thing.”  I called this impressive level of dominance from the moment I heard’em…and while I’m not here to (totally) rub it in when it comes to how right I really was (I’m lying – I absolutely am so) – I gotta say, it’s absolutely awesome to hear this band crushing it as hard as I always knew they could be, and really going after their dreams with full force.  They are playing on a unified front from every angle – “One Thing” is not only confirmation of the greatness they possess in this band and the players they’ve got, it’s a song that’ll have you turning the volume UP in the way that the spirit of Rock truly demands.

They’ve got me believing all over again – “One Thing” is one of the best songs I’ve heard this year without question, in any genre.

Find out more about Firekind from their official website at:

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