Felix Nova – “Out Of Love”

 Felix Nova – “Out Of Love”

Felix Nova – “Out Of Love” – Single Review

Felix Nova has been having himself a busy year!

From the moment he pumped out his single “Outlast” onto the internet in September of 2022, Nova has systematically been droppin’ new tunes online at a rapid pace ever since.  From what I’ve read, Felix put in a tremendous amount of work so that he could hit the ground running once he started releasing his Techno/House music into the scene, and the proof is right there in front of you that he succeeded in that endeavor.  You can see a whole list of singles that have come out over this past 365, with notable highlights like “You,” “Keep Shining,” and “Don’t Speak” confirming he’s got a vibe that’s connecting with the people out there listening.  After having a listen to his latest cut “Out Of Love,” it’s certainly easy to understand why that is…Felix has a strong grip on Melodic House music, and puts a confident spin on his Electro-based sound that I’m positive listeners out there around the world are gonna enjoy without hesitation.

While I’d say the beat itself on “Out Of Love” is verifiably golden, it’s actually the other elements in this song that make it as addictive as it truly is.  If you’re asking me personally, I’m gonna chalk the appeal of this song up largely to how Nova has used the vocals in this track as an instrument and genuine part of the melody that pumps the heartbeat of this song.  Not only has he chosen a very smart part to include into this song that shows a brilliant level of intensity that communicates a wild degree of emotion to it, but he’s got it placed in all the right spots to keep this single moving in a way people are sure to notice.  As in, not only is the performance pretty much textbook perfection, but the structuring of “Out Of Love” and its production play a significant role too – there’s simply not a hair out of place on this new single.  It’s not just a great Electro/House track, it’s absolutely one of the better songs you’re gonna hear this year in any genre.

As with the majority of Nova’s singles, if you’re listening from sites like Spotify, you’ll get your option of listening to the original mix, and also an extended version of “Out Of Love” too.  I highly recommend both in this instance…honestly, you can’t lose no matter which you choose, but if you want more of what you’re sure to love, the extended mix will add on significant length by nearly three more minutes!

All-in-all, I think what we’re all really listening to on “Out Of Love” is an artist that immediately started surging straight into his prime, which is seriously rare on the inside of any artist’s debut year, but that’s undoubtedly the case when it comes to Felix Nova.  Dude’s unbelievably gifted when it comes to the art of Electro-based music and the craft involved, and it’s something you can hear in every single second of a track like “Out Of Love.”  It’s always awesome to hear the sound of inspiration in a way that we can hear it, and identify it unmistakably – Nova’s firing at an all-star level right now, and a lot of the reason that is, is simply due to the fact that he’s got his head completely in the game and he’s focused to the nth degree.  Whenever you’re professionally invested and truly interested in the art of making music, you get moments like you’ll hear on “Out Of Love” where everything seems to come together in a completely seamless way that has the organic fluidity & flow you wanna hear, even in the digital realm.

I’m fully impressed by the professionalism of Nova from what I’ve heard in his music, to what I’ve seen in his work ethic through the catalog he’s so quickly established online – this guy’s going places without a doubt.  With singles as vibrant and exciting as “Out Of Love” are, it only makes complete sense that an artist like Felix Nova is thriving so successfully within the scene already and establishing his name so firmly within the Electro circuit…I have the feeling we’ll be hearing new tunes drop consistently through the years to follow as he continues to excel in his craft & draw attention to his music on a global scale.

Find out more about the music of Felix Nova from this handy multi-link here:  https://linktr.ee/flxnva

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