Eric Butterfield – “Bad Love”

 Eric Butterfield – “Bad Love”

Eric Butterfield – “Bad Love” – Music Video Post

For three years straight, solo artist Eric Butterfield was cruising right along with a string of new singles out there, starting with “Wake Me In Paris” in 2018 and “Dead Ex-Boyfriend” back in 2019.  Before this brand-new tune called “Bad Love” that we’re posting up here at our site, you’ll find “Boy In A Bubble” released back in 2020…a song which likely mirrored exactly how Eric was feeling around the time that the pandemic took over the globe by storm & everything went into lockdown.  Returning at long last with “Bad Love” has gotta feel freakin’ GREAT I’d imagine…y’all know what it’s like when you’ve been pent up for far too long…and especially you creative types & artists out there.  Eric’s got way too much natural talent to keep sittin’ on the shelf or locked away in his tower over in northern California – so you bet…there’s a genuine amount of comfort that comes along with knowing someone like him has found his way back to where he was meant to be in the first place, right in the spotlight where he belongs.  As far as the momentum he had pre-pandemic goes…mark my words y’all…his fans have been waiting patiently for his return, and I have no doubt whatsoever that he’s gonna pick right up where he left off & surge on forward from here.  “Bad Love” has got a ton of appeal to it…it’s an excellent comeback single.

According to Eric’s official page at YouTube, “’Bad Love’ looks forward to a brighter day, but first you have to learn to say no.”  Honestly, I couldn’t agree more – and I’m sure many of you out there that have learned their hard-lessons through the battles of life & love would certainly feel the same.  In the event that you’re wondering what the heck Eric is singing about, consider yourself one of the lucky ones…the rest of us know exactly what “Bad Love” is all about, and how important it is to “set yourself free” to find the kind of love you truly deserve.  You know…the good kind!  Alright…admittedly, there’s a solid stretch of life where it ain’t always easy to tell what’s what – so if you haven’t quite arrived at a place where you know “Bad Love” from ‘good love’ yet…you just buckle-up and hang on tight y’all…you’ll probably get there a whole lot sooner than you think.  But once you’ve made it through to the other side, and you have the kind of personal epiphany that Eric has had…what can I say folks…nothing quite feels better.  Knowing what “Bad Love” really is gives you the kind of revelatory clarity you need to evolve, grow, and take back control of your life…it provides you the understanding of all the good things you truly deserve.

Here’s a fun FACT for you about Eric that you probably don’t know yet…and that’s the FACT that you probably HAVE heard his music before – maybe even many times by now!  According to legend online, Eric has had his tunes placed in about 250-300 television shows, depending on which site you’re getting your information from…but no matter which number is the correct one, either of those’ll do – that’s an incredible accomplishment, and certainly speaks to the quality of his songwriting, and of course, his latest single does as well.  He should be incredibly proud that his music has been traveling around the world as much as it has been already…and now that he’s officially back in action with a brand-new song this year, I’d expect that it’ll be traveling that much more.  You can also find Eric releasing music as part of Sons Of The Golden West as well…so there’s a whole bunch of stuff you can slide straight into your playlist this year if you haven’t been listening already like so many folks have been to Butterfield’s tunes!

“Bad Love” has never sounded THIS good y’all – Eric makes the pain seem worth it in the end, no doubt about that – it’s always awesome to see & hear an artist thriving out there in the scene like he is without question, but it’s even more comforting to know he’s finding his way to the top of the mountain, in LIFE.

Learn more about the music of Eric Butterfield at his official links below!

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