Emmanuel Dalmas – “My Little Girl”

Emmanuel Dalmas – “My Little Girl” – Music Video Release/Review
If you caught the latest episode of SBS Live This Week, you had a chance to check out the new video from Emmanuel Dalmas and hear some additional thoughts on the artist & song he’s composed – if you haven’t yet, click this link here and it’ll take you to the show. Making sure we cover the bases from all angles – we’ve got Emmanuel’s new single “My Little Girl” right on the page here for ya to watch as well.
As I mentioned on our show, the piano-based melody and emotion that Dalmas has woven into his music is powerful stuff and really connects. As a general rule when it comes to his music, that’s pretty much guaranteed to be the case no matter what this often experimental artist happens to choose as his genre or style of the moment – but the threads of his connection are indeed tied much more closely to him for this particular single. Inspired by his daughter Diane, according to the notes I’ve got here, Emmanuel went on a nearly eighteen month quest to create the almost twenty-minute epic that “My Little Girl” becomes. What a tribute! What an honor! What an inspiration she must be and what incredible love Emmanuel must have for Diane! That warmth, that heart, that authentic connection between the music, the emotion, and the theme – that’s what you hear on “My Little Girl” and it sounds every bit as bold, passionate, & sincere as you’d hope it would, given the specialness of its inspiration.
I honestly think there’s a lot to love about this. Emmanuel has created a memory to go with his music on “My Little Girl” and one that’ll last both him and his daughter for their entire lives forward. How cool is that? I know we all have our own family videos & moments we keep…I get that…but how many of you out there can tell me you’ve created a nearly twenty-minute masterpiece to tribute the ones you love? As I also mentioned on the show – that’s no easy task, creating a twenty-minute song, no matter what genre you’re in or what the idea is…and I think you have to admire the rise & fall of the emotion in “My Little Girl” and how it takes you on a reflective, nostalgic, and thought-provoking journey in sound that seems to genuinely come from the father’s perspective. You can hear the admiration and love he has for the little soul he’s helped bring into the world…and no matter where she ends up in life, where she goes, what she does in the future – she’s always going to have this beautiful memory as a part of her.
There’s something so entirely amazing about that…in my opinion, there’s never been a better way to show our love, affection, & admiration than through music. I think that’s what’s most remarkable about “My Little Girl” when it comes right down to it – Emmanuel is able to express all these emotions and feelings gorgeously and gracefully through the movements and flow of this instrumental song. Even though we know the backstory and have read about the legendary amount of work that goes into writing, performing, and creating a melody like this – none of it feels forced, because it all comes from a genuine place of love that Dalmas is unafraid to connect to, reveal, and share with us all.
It’s in that respect, that I think not only is Diane extremely lucky, but we are as well. We get to be on the inside of what’s essentially a very real & personal experience between two family members and witness something beyond special – that blissful transformation of feelings into music. And while not a single word is uttered, your ears & heart will still hear the sentiment & love throughout this entire song unmistakably…you can hear it not just in the notes of the melody that Emmanuel plays but truly in the way he plays it and the passion with which he strikes or strokes the keys of the piano. “My Little Girl” is like he allowed the contents of his heart to spill out all over this instrumental…I think the piece itself speaks tremendously on behalf of his capabilities as a musician, but perhaps even more-so, as a father. Beautiful stuff all-around from the sentiment to the sound – Emmanuel proves once again that letting your heart & passion lead the way will bring an artist to stunning places within themselves and the inspiration surrounding them, to create memorable material that truly means something special.
Find more music & videos from Emmanuel Dalmas at his official channel at YouTube:
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