Deltiimo & Marley Blandford – “On My Own Again”

Deltiimo & Marley Blandford – “On My Own Again” – Single Review
Check this out…this quote comes directly from the Deltiimo page at Facebook, posted up just today, regarding the new single they’ve just put out with singer Marley Blandford – it reads: “We have actually lost count of how many playlists of all sorts, blogs and news articles Deltiimo are now on. Stopped counting at 2000 in 62 Countries.”
Talk about a nice problem to have!
And congratulations! Take notes bands/artists out there in the world…this collaborative effort is clearly looking to take over the globe with their new single by making sure they’re on every page the internet has to offer apparently. 2000+ places! 62 countries! Not even remotely kidding – that’s impressive in a whole bunch of ways. You listen to the new song “On My Own Again” and it becomes quickly addictive through its shiny stylistic hooks, brilliant vocals, and clever lyricism; combined with the vibrantly colorful lyric-video supporting their single, there’s no doubt that this is set up to spread like wildfire – and it has been, clearly! But beyond the music – recognize that statistics like being placed on 2000+ music hotspots & sites out there, and being featured in 62 countries and counting…those are results achieved by pure dedication, focus, and a willingness to outwork the rest…to really battle for the music to be heard. Of course, having flawless material like Deltiimo & Marley Blandford has with “On My Own Again” certainly doesn’t hurt the process…and believe me, word of mouth counts for quite a bit when it comes to a quality tune. Bottom line is – whatever it is that’s got this collaboration working around the clock to get the music out there in every way possible…that’s a discipline I salute with genuine respect.
Will the people out there appreciate all that effort? They already are – you read the stats! For good reason too – Marley sounds absolutely magnificent and puts in an incredible performance with brilliantly powerful tones from his vocals fueling the energy & emotion behind the words. Complemented by the reliable writing & music of Deltiimo, they start “On My Own Again” out on sweetly angelic terrain before cranking-up the electro-vibe in a blissfully empowering atmosphere that completely surrounds you with strengths booming out of your stereo speakers. Structured to seriously deliver, the music shifts between gears perfectly, echoing the sentiment driving the reflective nature of the lyrics and building as the words find their own inspiration to break out of the dark and into the light. The results speak solidly for themselves – “On My Own Again” leaves you wanting nothing more and becomes quite the powerful personal anthem for those out there that have experienced heartbreak and are looking for a way to carry on. “On My Own Again” proves that love has lasting effects of all kinds, causing us to reflect on it thoughtfully over the years to follow in countless ways – and that in some circumstances, no matter how much time goes by, love can still have a grip on us long after it’s gone.
And that’s where the real magic comes in. The way that Marley sings this song alongside the inspiring energy in the music from Deltiimo adds up to incredible contrast that really moves you. While Marley might be singing about heartbreak – the powerful way that he sings the song certainly indicates just how much of an extraordinary impact the emotions of “On My Own Again” would make on a person in love, but also seems to suggest through his stunning, empowered, & bold vocals, that everything WILL be okay again, at some point, somehow. Really well written tune, totally entertaining lyric-vid, and an all-around exceptional performance from every hand involved – they’ve got a single-worthy song with “On My Own Again,” no doubt about it.
Find out more about Deltiimo from the official links below!
Find out more about Marley Blandford from the official links below!
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