DEAD HENDRIX & Yungcudii – “MUSTANG” – Single Review

Ayyyy my bitch called…”  Ohhhh I see…it’s some of that progressive-type stuff…

Alright…that’s probably a bit on the sarcastic side, but I’m confident that DEAD HENDRIX don’t give a fuck about a little attitude comin’ at him from a guy like me.  Besides, he’s rockin’ with a highly relevant sound for what’s out there in the scene right now…”Mustang” has already crossed its way into six-digit terrain on Spotify alone, so I’m fairly sure people are tuning in.  At the end of the day, writing lyrics that could be considered edgy, controversial, or polarizing usually becomes a benefit to those out there that are writing’em…it’s been proven throughout the course of music’s history, trust me, look it up.  And who knows…maybe DEAD HENDRIX’s bitch prefers being called his bitch – you don’t know the whole story and neither do I!  It is what it is y’all…don’t go getting your shit bent outta shape for no good reason.

Anyhow.  I don’t really hear any major issues here that would stop the momentum of “MUSTANG” from rolling along the way that it has been onto playlists worldwide…like I said, it’s definitely got the kind of hybrid vibe you hear all throughout the scene right now.  DEAD HENDRIX has got solid personality in his verses, and a main hook that works on a melodic level for the chorus…and our own homegrown talent in Yungcudii from Ottawa lends a solid assist on the bars you’ll hear mid-track.  I’m not here to be the guy that’s gonna tell you that they’re recreating the wheel here…”MUSTANG” is extremely similar to a ton of stuff you’ve heard out there lately, which works both for and against it.  For, in the sense that it’ll have no problem at all getting out there onto the charts and playlists as this single has already proven – and against in the sense that it would be next to impossible to establish identity through this one song alone.  We’ll need a much larger sample size outta DEAD HENDRIX for sure if we’re going to know what his own signature sound would bring to the table that separates him from the rest of what’s out there.  All-in-all though, the song comes out with professional performances and production to go along with it.

Do I love the Tik Tok reference and mentioning of the dancing that could potentially come along with it?  Hell no!  But that’s only because the hook comes out with a pace that feels like you can practically hear the choreography that would come along with it for some Tik Tok dance challenge out there.  Ignore me though, I’m older than dirt.  I actually like the use of “MUSTANG” in the hook even though I can’t make any damn sense out of it…melodically, it’s cleverly used, so I can get behind that.  I couldn’t personally care if his bitch called, or his best friend did, or if they’re both the same person…I don’t get hung up on labels and it would take something way harsher to offend me.  “You can call it whatever you call it” as DEAD HENDRIX will tell ya…and as far as I’m concerned, that applies to people too.  I’ll be real with ya – I’m probably more of a fan of what he’s got goin’ on stylistically in the slick way he delivers his verses than I am of the chorus, but I’d also be the first person to tell ya that what he’s created is memorable AF too.  Like I’ve been getting at…the numbers make sense to me based on what’s out there right now, and I totally understand why a track like “MUSTANG” would be pulling in listeners around the globe for sure.  DEAD HENDRIX is a bit more straight-ahead when it comes to the delivery of his carefully metered-out vocals, whereas Canada’s Yungcudii sparks up the energy when it comes time to his guest appearance – ultimately, I think that’s a good thing…you don’t just want two people doin’ the same thing in a collab, and each of these two bring something different that complements the other’s style.  It works, 100%.

So…yeah…I mean…neither of these two dudes need confirmation from me when their song is already in the six-digit realm – the world has already confirmed it’s something they wanna hear, so rock the fuck on as far as I’m concerned.  I hear the potential, I hear the relevance, and I hear the skills at work too – it certainly makes sense to me that “MUSTANG” would be as popular as it has proven to be, and I’m sure it’s got a ton of miles to go still in reaching its way around the globe to fans of the Pop-Punk/Street Rap combo.  Relevant vibes can carry an artist a long, long way when it comes to a career in this biz – and as long as DEAD HENDRIX continues to capitalize on that, he’ll keep on dominating the hits and clicks like he has been.  Ain’t nothing wrong with doin’ it like it’s been done when you’re doin’ it as well as he is; it’s a blueprint that clearly maps out the route to success.

Find out more about DEAD HENDRIX at this multi-link right here:

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