Catlea – “Why Them?”

Catlea – “Why Them?” – Single Review
If you’re been anywhere within earshot of my stereo system, or been paying attention to these pages of ours, you’ve definitely been hearing the music Catlea’s been making, or at least hearing about it in some way, shape or form. I’m pretty sure the only person that hasn’t heard me yelling about how awesome Catlea is, is probably Catlea herself! After I listened to this superstar’s Bones EP last year, I was instantly convinced that she’s on her way to world domination…and unlike other places that’ll tell ya something real nice and not back it up, Catlea ended up in our official top ten list at the end of the year. Believe me when I tell ya, it’s seriously rare to hear such obvious X-factor talent, so if you somehow haven’t heard of her yet, I can assure you it’s only a matter of time – Catlea was born to make music and entertain you.
Word on the street is that she’s just released her debut full-length album, Language Barrier. When I took a listen to the lead-single “Why Them?” I had a MASSIVE smile on my face. Not only do I love the sound of what I hear from start to finish, but yes, I’ll admit it – I also love being proven right. There’s no way that you’ll be able to resist what she’s come up with on “Why Them?” – you’d have to be made of pure granite stone to not LOVE what she’s created and the incredible performance that she’s put in.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m obviously a huge fan of her music already, but that’s never stopped me from being objective in the words I write on these pages of ours. If I had concerns…if there was something I felt like she could be doing better…if I had some kind of advice to give Catlea that I thought would help her music or career, you all know I’d be the first to say it. The reality is, she’s a visionary artist that is MILES ahead of the rest of what’s out there in the scene right now…and while she might still be breaking ground with her music in the present, I can guarantee she can’t possibly stay a secret for long. Not with music of this caliber…it’s just not possible. I’m sure I probably compared her to the path that PRINS has been on the last time I wrote about Catlea, and justifiably so – they’re both artists on the forefront of a massive scene-change where Alt-Pop is set to dominate these next years ahead of us. Right now, Catlea is cresting the wave, and when you listen to a track like “Why Them?” you’ll know what I mean by that; she’s making completely irresistible music that is fully loaded with hooks in every ticking second you hear. The music itself is great, and produced perfectly – but when you hear what Catlea can DO WITH IT, you genuinely can’t help but be amazed. Her vocal technique is outstanding, her songwriting instincts are already at a veteran’s level, and her execution when it comes time to perform is practically second to none. Honestly, if you’re one of those people that truly believes the independent scene can’t offer you something that’ll rival what comes out of the mainstream, Catlea is the artist that will prove you wrong. Cherish the time we’ve got with her in the trenches right now, because she’s destined to hit number one on the charts if tracks like “Why Them?” are any indication of the direction her career is heading in. I ain’t gonna lie to ya – I had nothing but the highest of hopes and expectations for what she would come up with next after listening to the Bones EP last year…and “Why Them?” might have STILL somehow exceeded where I thought she could go with her music. What makes a song like this as brilliant as it is, is that she’s been able to make it so insanely catchy, while still being so different at the same time. Essentially, she’s got the kind of uniqueness that you can’t teach, yet a degree of accessibility that is so extremely rare at the same time, and you rarely, if ever, find these aspects working together so efficiently. She’s split the atom when it comes to the craft of making music, and the nuclear reaction that’s gonna happen when she catches on will detonate an entire wave of artists that are inspired by her sound & will try to do something similar. You can always tell the real deal when you hear it though, and no matter how many might come after her, Catlea will be a pioneer of authenticity.
If “Why Them?” is a solid representation of what you’ll find on her new album Language Barrier, then I can guarantee you that her fan-base is about to grow exponentially by the day. I love the back-and-forth lyricism that she’s threaded into “Why Them?” and how it’s like a brutal conversation with her consciousness, trying to break through the natural insecurities we feel in order to reach that next level.
“Why Them?” she asks? Honestly, I couldn’t tell ya. SHE is HER, as they say. In my most humble opinion, I don’t think it gets much better than Catlea out there in any facet of the Pop scene right now. Whether it’s the quality of her sound, the potency of her songwriting, or the electrifying excitement she’s capable of generating with every syllable she sings – your ears know what greatness is when they hear it, and that’s what they’ll confirm they’re listening to when checking out Catlea’s music. Mark my words y’all…you know I don’t needlessly pump anyone’s tires – this artist is destined to find her way to the very top of the charts & playlists around the world. The magnificent punch and catchiness of “Why Them?” is freakin’ spectacular & the departure into a darker Dream-Pop style of sound in the mid-song breakdown was perfection, allowing for the bring-back to build up and provide the payload in the finale.
Everything you wanna hear in a superstar exists in Catlea, and what fills me with confidence about her future ahead is that she’s so ahead of the rest that her sound & songs will stay fresh for years to follow. This isn’t a mere case of being great for the moment – she’s looking at serious longevity if she’s able to keep the quality of her music as consistent as it has been so far. I’m absolutely stoked to have a listen to the rest of Language Barrier based on everything I’ve heard from Catlea and this lead track “Why Them?” – this is single-worthy sound at its finest, 100%.
Find out more about Catlea at her official sites below!
Main Website:
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