California – “I Could Make It Last Forever”

 California – “I Could Make It Last Forever”

California – “I Could Make It Last Forever” – Single Review

You sure get the sense that California’s Les & Loretta Fradkin do absolutely everything together, and likely do all that they do singing out loud & harmonizing the entire time.  Like, you could even imagine it having a practical use around the house if you think about it.  You could substitute the hooks you’ll hear in this new single where they sing “And I…could make it so much better, wait and see” for something like “And I…just need the salt and pepper, pretty please” while they’re eating dinner together.  You get the point…they do what they do as a unified entity, and hey man, why not?  For some of us, we need that separation between who we love and doing what we love – and for others like Les and Loretta, it’s only natural that the two things go together.  Right on you two lovebirds…you keep on doin’ what ya do.

Originally recorded back in 1972, “I Could Make It Last Forever” still sounds very true to that era without a doubt.  In some ways, that’s great, and clearly in others, that’s gonna present a bit of an obstacle in between the here & now…but it’s really all about what you’re making music for and the why of it all.  I don’t get the sense that California is refining these songs from way back to simply score themselves a chart-topping hit, though I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if it were to happen.  No…I see this much more as a passion project that entwines with the ongoing love story between Les and Loretta than anything else.  Don’t get it twisted though, it’s not like they’re one of those duos that don’t bring any skill and talent to what they do – they’ve got more than enough between them to make an impression on ya, and provide a refreshed set of lead vocals to this latest single.  From what I understand after sifting through a novel’s worth of notes regarding “I Could Make It Last Forever” all strewn across my dusty desk in the light of this flickering candle in front of me while I clickity-clack these words into my typing machine, the song was originally “recorded for a Left Banke reunion” – which was Les’ band back in the day…keep up eh?

Anyhow.  We’re like, fifty some-odd years past that now, and what you’ll hear in this single is considered to be the final version, and/or its most complete version to-date…at least, so far.  *winky face

Sounds like we’ve got all the original players from The Left Banke involved…Mike Brown (Piano), Steve Martin Caro (Guitar/Vocals), Tom Finn (Bass/Vocals), George Cameron (Drums/Vocals), and Harry Lookofsky (Violins) to go along with Les (Lead/Backing Vocals/12 String Guitar/Mellotron) & Loretta (Lead/Backing Vocals) in this updated California variation.  It’s a quality tune, which is no real surprise considering how much Fradkin has put into his music throughout the years of his career.  Dated would seem like a funny way to label a song like this, though I’m sure it’d be tempting in some regard for many writers…it’s not that it isn’t somewhat, you can’t really escape that after bringing something back from fifty years ago – but in this day & age, there’s soundtracks, specially curated playlists, and all kinds of other places you could easily find a song like “I Could Make It Last Forever” thriving in.  Reminds me a bit of stuff like you’d find from The Turtles & such back in the day…good rhythm & groove, great harmonies – and Les & co. really go big in the chorus to deliver the melodic payload after a really clever build to it.  I have no idea what to think of the video, I’ll be honest with ya.  In some regards, I can only imagine getting something like this back myself, and I’m completely sure I’d be thrilled with it, just based on the uniqueness it creates alone.  Is it the ultimate pairing between sight & sound?  I think there’s a whole lot more room for debate about that…but as we shift into this whole AI/animated world we’re heading into, maybe it’s more of a match than I’m giving it credit for.  As with all-things-California that I’ve generally experienced so far myself, the sweetness of the song & its intentions seems to remain the paramount priority, and the unity shared between Loretta and Les the main strength at the heart of it all.  No real complaints from me here about this single…”I Could Make It Last Forever” is a highly memorable tune, it’s got beautiful sentiment & sound, and it’s pleasant enough to brighten even the darkest of your days.

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