Bass4Night – “If I Stay” Feat. Marie Louise & Matt Byron

Bass4Night – “If I Stay” Feat. Marie Louise & Matt Byron – Single Review
Lots going on here for sure! A collaboration between indie-artists…so many of them you can find them in every corner of your stereo & speakers as “If I Stay” begins. As far as I understand it, Bass4Night is a relatively new project…and on this particular cut they’ve got a completely solid assist from vocalist Marie Louise, who’s at least new to us here on our pages as well…and ALSO Matt Byron, whom we’ve had on our pages before, who lends his talent through additional drums, mixing and mastering. Under the steady edit, production and structure outlined by Bass4Night…every hand involved here should celebrate and be stoked about the killer results they’ve yielded with “If I Stay.”
Now…like I said…there’s a lot to talk about…and we’ll get to all the awesomeness as this gets written I assure you – but right now, let’s mention vocalist Marie Louise straight off the bat shall we? This is a seriously uncovered gem out there in the indie-scene right now…what a blissfully unique voice! There are qualities in Marie’s vocals…textures and tones that others out there would literally give everything they’ve got and sell their soul just to be able to sound like she does. She’s done a tremendous job of wrapping her vocals and bending her words to fit the rubbery & energetic electro as it builds around her. We’ll go on to hear her in more or less two-kinds of modes…the one that opens the song where it’s largely left up to her to deliver (she does, 100%) and throughout the song there’s an equal amount of threading her vocals into the mix & the edit where it becomes more on part of the production itself than performance. Either way that you hear her – I’m telling you…she’s got that rare SOMETHING that sets her apart from the rest; as much as I loved the overall music, mix and writing of “If I Stay” – I’d be lying if I didn’t say at times it almost felt like she was all I could hear. Not on part of a mix at fault by any stretch – we’re talking about an exceptional performance that you can’t help but notice. Marie sings with grace, genuine artistic style and fantastic tone to match this track with…she immediately stood out to me as a fantastic example of a dimension in this collaboration that seriously brought it to the recording booth…love her voice! Great ideas on the effects and delay with her vocals as the cut progressed…really cool stuff from Marie no matter how you hear her voice or what state of the mix you find her in here.
Full credit and marks of course to Bass4Night who’s also produced one hell of a track here and really made a dynamic and punchy song for Marie to sing on. If I’m getting all the details right, Bass4Night is the moniker selected by 20 year-old electro-wizard Rick Caster of Ecuador. Ecuador! Apparently you ROCK! Well…you know what I mean…in the electro-sense of course. Seriously wicked assembly, structure, build and sound-choice though – at the end of the day you can rest assured that Bass4Night certainly has a bright future in the electro-circuit if the quality is going to be this consistent. You can tell from a track like this that Rick certainly knows what he wants to hear in the music he makes and WHEN; there’s a solid precision and versatile progression to “If I Stay” that keeps it both interesting and danceable at the same time. You could be out on the dance-floor cutting it up to this song…or you could be a guy like me on the sidelines and still get equal amounts of enjoyment out of this entertaining tune. Smart choices in synth sounds throughout the verses, great additional electro-elements all firing off in the chorus and innovative breakdowns & excursions from the typical all throughout this cut lead these three collaborators to victory without question. The additional drums from Byron work themselves into the mix perfectly…which, probably thankfully due to the fact he mixed this track, likely explains how it all fits together so well.
Overall…no complaints here, only compliments; I think the music came out as BIG, punchy, electrifying and entertaining as it should be and I think where Marie’s vocals sit in the mix is pure audio-perfection…right where they should be. “If I Stay” makes for a wickedly energetic and energizing listening experience; again, if this is what we can expect from Bass4Night – consider me excited!
Find out more about Bass4Night at the official Facebook page:
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