Durells World – Call Me Later, Way Too Busy – Pre-release EP Review *BEEP* – just an announcement before we get right into it here today…this is pre-release y’all…the Call Me Later, Way Too Busy EP from Durells World can still most certainly change anything from the songs to the album art to the writing […]Read More
Magazine Gap – “Ran For Cover” – Single Review When we first reviewed Magazine Gap and their Calling Card EP at the end of last year, we heard things we liked…and we heard the promise of something even more. In early January of this year, the London-based Pop/Soul trio returned to our pages with a […]Read More
SK – “Bang It Out” Feat. Exid – Single Review Correspondence comes in all forms behind the scenes at sleepingbagstudios. Whether it’s by text message or carrier pigeon, we get messages & promo write-ups all the time regardless of if we ask for them or not. Sometimes, they’ll even answer a long-burning question that you […]Read More
The explosion of noise-rock band Closer raining down monstrously epic jams from the stage began with three guitarists (Ryan, Trev, Jake) and one of the most beastly drummers (Tyler) to ever sit on the throne. Born out of a combination of local rock bands The Pit (Trev/Tyler) and Doc Holiday (Ryan/Jake) – nobody even knew […]Read More
Some of the raddest times I had the privilege of experiencing in the independent music-scene of Vancouver was putting together ‘panel’ style episodes where we’d pull in local heroes of certain genres to bullshit about the music that made them who they are today and what defines the style. That being said – they are, […]Read More
Be the next artist or band to have your latest song or video featured on our page at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here!Read More
Sam And The Black Seas – Silver – Album Review On April 21st last year in 2016, we received a link to a modest handful of songs via Soundcloud link to first discover the music of Sam And The Black Seas. As it turned out, those songs happened to be amazing…and my enthusiasm for this […]Read More
Mainstream Monday! Posting on the regular…or at least hopefully one day! I’ll be giving you 37 reasons to check out amazing songs, artists & bands I’ve found along the way – check out the first official playlist of Episode 001 below – all female-driven songs & projects out there from the mainstream-side of life. And […]Read More
Kiev – Swish – Album Review Bro…way to take it to the next level homie! It’s not like I wasn’t impressed the last time I had the opportunity to check out Kiev’s music on his Infinite Positivity EP…but for real – this album is like…way better isn’t it? Is it just me? I remember thinking […]Read More
Melonvine Interview SBS: Welcome Melonvine – stoked to have you in this interview with us – I love what I’ve heard from the latest self-titled EP & there’s lots I want to talk to you fellow Canadians about! Everything I heard from the new record made me think of my own hometown in Vancouver, BC […]Read More