2ndVerse is a group that is something I found after looking through an infamous battle rappers Spotify page. Apparently the battle rapper has joined the ranks of 2ndVerse for the track Legend and it does not disappoint. I would highly suggest listening to the other tracks especially Communication. Their Spotify page doesn’t boast a expansive […]Read More
I, Useless – Twister – Album Review It’s rare for me to be quite as excited about any album coming out as I am about this one. In early October of last year, I was introduced to a handful of singles from a project known as I, Useless – four songs that were so strong, […]Read More
Steven Dunn Interview SBS: Steven! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us brother! Lots to cover, short span of questions to get to the heart of it all…so let’s do this! I’ve had a listen to your music…I’m sure I could throw out a description or attempt to make a comparison or two, […]Read More
Luanne Hunt – Backroads, Bottles & Blues – Album Review I gotta say…there’s something extremely charming about Luanne Hunt. It’s that intangible, endearing magic that makes you root for an artist or band to succeed…she’s stocked full of that. Earlier this year, we were introduced to her music through the lead-single “Lightning In A Bottle” […]Read More
Seems like a solid deal as far as we’re concerned – win yourself a championship, get yourself a song dedicated to the incredible efforts as a result – NICE! Check out the thematic cut created to celebrate the Lady Hornets 2018 winning run through the finals, where they proved once & for all that they’re […]Read More
John Keenan – Late Bloomer – Album Sampler/Singles Review Just passed the five-year anniversary of the first time we listened to John Keenan’s music…way back in the day, back in ’13 through the album Imagination To The Nation, which we reviewed here at SBS. While it’s easy to point out that these milestones are obviously […]Read More
MyPianoNotes.com As we all know, daily life is a lot to keep up with! Whether it’s work or school, just being on schedule can take up a lot of your time as you travel back & forth for employment, education, or your hobbies. Rather than set up an appointment in the future – wouldn’t it […]Read More
Cicada 3301 – “Music Mix” – Single Review Over the course of our history making it, music has continually evolved in several directions. Regardless of anyone’s opinion on the current state of where it’s at in any given point in time – we’re a heck of a long way from where it all began. There […]Read More
Tucked underneath my beard, I still managed to keep the hidden camera pointed towards the stage clearly enough to capture the legendary set from when The Breeders toured the anniversary of their Last Splash record at The Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver in 2015. I didn’t know cameras weren’t allowed until I got in there…and given […]Read More
Servin’ it up hot & fresh for ya this morning – we got Hollywood Da Chef up in the “Kitchen Kabinet” gettin’ all the right ingredients to mix into your speakers. For real – take a TRIP with this dude and get into the vibe & video he’s got goin’ on – thematically on-point all-around, […]Read More