"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

Bonafide Bonez – “Come Through And Chill (Freestyle)”

“Even when I lower down the price for’em…still won’t make the fiends happy.”  #truth  That’s real talk right there homies. Bonafide Bonez rolls through this freestyle performance with an undeniably smooth flow, giving you the low-down on the details of what a day in the life is like for the main man on the mic […]Read More

0204 – The Pit (Live @ Lana Lou’s 2017)

As most of you already know, we’d already moved sleepingbagstudios across Canada in early 2016 – but there’s very little that can keep us away from The Pit if we can help it!  So in 2017, on a trip back home, the boys (Tyler Hutton – drums/Trevor Hutton – guitar) booked a last minute show […]Read More

Zhaojiabang – “Shen Pian”

Zhaojiabang – “Shen Pian” – Single Review What can I say?  I enjoy being right just as much as the next person…especially when it comes to music. When we were first introduced to the Shanghai-based art/alt-rock band back in June of this year through the single & video for their song “La Patience” – I […]Read More

Yann Sella – Existence

Yann Sella – Existence – EP Review Definitely more than a few of us out there listening to the brand-new EP from French producer Yann Sella…I could visibly see the hit-counter moving up quickly while the first wave of music-reviewers like myself began to jump into this moving set of three songs.  Your turn will […]Read More

Baron Mantis – “Nobody”

Hot damn is this crunchy!  Baron Mantis gets the energy & Rock flowing fast & furiously from the very first second of their new single “Nobody” and never let the intensity drop as they grip & rip through their brand-new tune live.  Loaded with hooks and killer distortion, this two-piece band throws everything they’ve got […]Read More

Torin Muccino – For The Times

Torin Muccino – For The Times – Album Review This dude is going places. Feels like I’ve been on a pretty good run of luck when it comes to reviewing full albums lately…gonna keep that momentum flowing in the right direction & write about the debut record from Torin Muccino.  I’ve had the opportunity to […]Read More

Rych Twyn – “No Games”

Slick video, smooth club-sound – rapper/artist Rych Twyn is gettin’ serious y’all – he ain’t playin’ “No Games” with such a professional approach to the release of his latest single!  Dude’s surrounded by beautiful ladies in the bedroom throughout his new video, which is filmed spectacularly & directed by Ish – everything about “No Games” […]Read More

Collins And Streiss – “Change”

Collins And Streiss – “Change” – Single Review Y’all know me…I’m a big fan of you fine people using your platform in every way you can to say something.  Ultimately I prefer it when what that ‘something’ is, isn’t always about chicks’n’cars – I think there’s a much more altruistic approach that can be taken […]Read More

The Goodbad – “Tower”

Brand-new electro jam released just the other day from The Goodbad – a new cut called “Tower” that pulses with dynamic sound and high-quality entertainment.  Come check out the smoother-than-smooth transitions and subtle grooves woven into a chilled-out audio experience full of captivating textures and stunning sound – “Tower” is full of moves & style […]Read More

Vessel Decimal – CONVERSION Level One

Vessel Decimal – CONVERSION Level One – Album Review Well hot damn!  Vessel Decimal has seriously got something to say on this new record.  Many things. As the opening “Orientation” will go on to explain…this is much more of an experience…a course in learning…objective evolution at work in the midst of metal mayhem and progressive […]Read More