Alvin Harrison – “I’m So Happy”

Alvin Harrison – “I’m So Happy” – Single Review
So lemme make sure I’ve got this straight here…Alvin Harrison “wrote this on Valentine’s Day…FOR THE MUSIC CREATORS OUT THERE” according to the write-up that comes along with the official posting of his new single “I’m So Happy.” Did ya!?! On the ONE day of the year typically dedicated to the lovers out there…Alvin just so happened to write a song ABOUT lovin’ that ONE special person…but he did it for YOU? Mmmm hmmm. Sometimes I think people forget that, yes, you can put your music out there to get heard in all kinds of crazy ways…yet the people behind it all can still often be found right there on my own personal Facebook page.
Anyhow Alvin, I’ll let all that slide…you know that I know what this is all about, and who it’s really written for.
What “I’m So Happy” about is that this dude is still making music, and if anything, his passion has considerably grown throughout the years to become stronger than ever. It was practically a decade ago that I first crossed paths with Harrison in a project he’d called The 99, and believe me when I tell ya, he’s been makin’ music much longer than I’ve been typing for. Essentially, he’s a seasoned veteran of the biz that has been around in all kinds of ways throughout the years – but as a retired dude now living in one of the most gorgeous places in the world with his loving wife, and his own studio set up at home now, you can tell he’s entering a completely new phase of his career. Call it the love of the game phase if ya like…Alvin’s making music for the pure joy of it, and when he sings “I’m So Happy,” you feel it, because you know he’s got just about every right & reason to feel the way he does. Truly…I aspire to reach such a wonderful place in life and plane of existence…every day of his life is like the BEST day of his life now.
That being said…not being THAT guy myself yet, and being far more addicted to the melancholy side of sound when it comes right down to it, I looked at the title of this single and instantly thought Alvin was about to be in for an uphill battle with me. I grew up listening to The Cure as my favorite band – and now you want ME to get into a song called “I’m So Happy?” Good luck good sir! I thought there was gonna be a solid chance this would prove to be impossible…yet honestly, I really dig this tune overall. “I’m So Happy” is kind of like what you’d get if you crossed something like Morris Day & The Time with Cameo from back in the day…I don’t know that it’s the most relevant sound you’re gonna find out there compared to what’s out there right now I suppose, but I don’t think Harrison gives a rat’s ass about that if I’m being truthful with ya. I don’t think that happiness itself, works like that at all when it comes right down to it – that’s a very individual thing…yet very communicable. What makes us happy is different for every one of us, yet once we experience that supreme amount of joy, you can easily pass that straight on to other people. Which is really how “I’m So Happy” works its magic on ya. It comes from the fact that Alvin is having so much fun making this song for you knows what his real inspiration & motivation is – the person that indeed makes him the happiest man on earth so far as I’ve ever been able to tell – that he really locked right into the feeling of being happy to create this single, and executed it to perfection. I think anyone out there would be honored to be the true muse behind a song that’s written like this is.
I dig the gruffness of the main vocals and the energy you’ll find there. The production is completely on target. The synth elements are smartly used. The vibrant way this track bounces with colorful & snazzy sound…the smart placement of the backing vocals and harmonies…the main melodic hook of the chorus – “I’m So Happy” is basically one joyous jam that has Harrison sounding completely in the moment. In my personal opinion, that’s really all we ever need as listeners, and yet one of the hardest things to achieve in this particular gear of emotion – we need to believe ya! We need to believe you’re as happy as you say that you are when you’re writing in an upbeat demeanor & style…and we definitely believe that Alvin is happier than he’s ever been when you listen to this single right here. So good on the man if you ask me…it’s awesome to know there’s someone out there as genuinely thoughtful and insightful as Harrison really is, that doesn’t get completely bogged down by the weight of existence and all the BS that’s been circulating over these past several years. “I’m So Happy” is the kind of song that gives you some serious hope! If Alvin’s THIS happy, then maybe WE could all be that happy one day too, you dig?
What would I change? What would I do different? Honestly, there’s not any real reason to tinker any further with what he’s already got here on this cut…everything works. I get to that last ten seconds of the song and feel like he could have probably shown us a bit more of that soulful style he’s got in the vocals by deviating a bit more than he does from the main melodic pattern & hooks with a few more random vocalizations, which could have potentially added a bit more personality and variation to “I’m So Happy” – but it’s not at all suffering without’em either. All-in-all, “I’m So Happy” that “I’m So Happy” came out as strong, natural, and real as it does…it’s not only catchy, it’s the genuine truth about Alvin. I ain’t here to bash on anyone’s happiness…not when you can make us all believe it like he does on this single right here – this is very much the sound of a man at PEAK HAPPINESS y’all. As to the reasons as to why he REALLY wrote this tune…that’s probably another story for sure…but I’ll leave him to address that. “I’m So Happy” with the results of what I hear in the quality & performance of this song, and he should be too.
Find out more about Alvin Harrison and what he’s doin’ with his music over there at CanTune Records by checking out his page at Soundcloud here:
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