Absoloot – “Man On Fire”

Absoloot – “Man On Fire” – Single Review
This “Man On Fire.”
Absoloot makes a return to our pages with a brand-new single loaded with hooks and the focused attention the craft of rhythm and poetry truly requires. It was earlier this year that we had a chance to get into this emcee’s headspace through an interview back in March…and we spun his record Banksters plenty here when reviewing that back nearly two years ago now…so welcome back fam! Always good to have this vibrant entertainer in the mix on our playlists here…this cat always brings his best to the mic.
And as the title implies, Absoloot really is a “Man On Fire” on this new cut.
If you look at his social-media…you’ll see our boy has been making a few changes. From his own personal style to a more modern-day R&B influence laced through his vibe on “Man On Fire” – you can see this artist is in flux right now and getting ready to make that next set of decisive moves in his career, but you definitely can’t hear any confusion on this new single. Retaining the signature focus and quality you can rely on this emcee for – “Man On Fire” has a low-key & chilled out beat that sets the stage for the incredible flow over sets of bars and Absoloot sounds right at home in the energy of the beat & atmosphere, ready & more than willing to do his thang.
As his new cut opens up with a delicate fade-in and gentle synth samples, Absoloot comes through with the vocal-hook of the chorus in a minimalist setting as the backing vocals begin to surround him & the music strengthens. Breaking to reveal the verse, Absoloot is as captivating as it gets on the mic…definitely been one of my favorite Hip-Hop artists out there in the independent-scene since I’ve heard him way back (you know, all of not-even two-years ago…) in the day. He’d proven himself plenty capable throughout his Banksters record…and I think what I hear on “Man On Fire” shows that continued evolution in his sound & evolution in his own work as an artist. There’s a seriously great mix of tender sincerity meeting an amped-up party-vibe on this tune…the resulting contrast ends up sounding seriously dynamic and punched-up in the production as it flows through its transitions between parts.
There are hooks when Absoloot chills out that come through the tones he sings with…there are hooks in the verse through the insane flow of word-after-word flying through the air…there are hooks in the unified-sound to the anthem of the chorus…there are hooks everywhere on “Man On Fire.”
All that being said…a great hook can certainly be written by many artists out there…and while it’s always an awesome thing to have many access points into a song with multiple hooks like “Man On Fire” has – it would all be for nothing without the focus and passion that Absoloot supplies. That’s the entire difference here…because you could argue that a lot of the hooks you’ll hear are certainly less-traditional – but it’s because of his performance that you can’t argue that they could possibly become any stronger. Not that he needed to, but Absoloot continues to prove his value as an emcee as he shifts through the chilled-out Hip-Hop & Trap-vibe on “Man On Fire” – he sounds energized and really ready to go after it on this new single, and that added enthusiasm & passion this artist provides through his music always makes for a fantastic addition to any playlist out there.
Find out more about Absoloot at his Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/absoloot
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