Abacus – “Why The Fuck?”

 Abacus – “Why The Fuck?”

I could listen to this young emcee all damn day.  Socially conscious, verbally-skilled, insightful & aware – Abacus sounds like he’s gearing up for one hell of a debut if this rad single/video from his upcoming mixtape called Questions Of Life is any indication.  One of the best pieces of advice I ever received in songwriting was that, if you’re gonna use a swear word – make it count for something; and I think that’s what’s got me digging this track most of all – Abacus makes every one of’em count, because he’s got something REAL to say to y’all.  It punctuates the emphasis on the points he makes along the way as he rolls rhythmically from bar to bar on “Why The Fuck?” – this homie’s definitely not afraid to let you in on exactly what’s on his mind.

Find out more about Abacus at his official website here:  http://www.abacusmc.co.uk/

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